Friday, April 12, 2013

[Motenaki1] Gess 1 [Love you even till your bone]

Gess 1 [Love you even till your bone]

The second I opened my eyes, I can feel dull pain run throughout my body. It seems still not fully recovered yet, maybe I should skip today’s class.  Because of that carnage scene, I received damage both to my body and soul, and made me have to take two days off from school. Shizuru-senpai’s hell kick still leave bruise on my stomach and my hand still hurts because trampled by Yusa-chan. When my step mother asked me the reason about my injury, I answered it “Its nothing.” with smile and she accepted it easily. Maybe she thought it was because I involved in a fight or something like that. There is no way she will think that this condition was because I was found out two-timing and was kicked to death. My little sister Riko, was really worried about me and she also will not believe that her reliable older brother will said something like “Dreamed to have 3P as first experience. After rethinking about it again, now I can only see myself as a failure human. 

The door to my room was opened.


It was my little sister, Riko. She is a cute second year middle-school who has a really cute forehead and double tooth. Her face shown that she still have her features as a child, and she reminds me of small animals.

“Good morning, Riko.”

When she saw me wake up, her expression turned sullen instantly.

“Why are you already woken up?”

“Sorry, it just that my eyes were opened faster than usual.”

“My morning is not complete without seeing Onii-chan’s sleeping face! Take responsibility and marry me!”

Riko have a really heavy Brother-Complex. Even when she was already on her second year at her middle school, her dream was still ‘Marry with my Onii-chan’. Honestly, there’s no way I will stuck my poisonous fang on my own little sister….

“Riko, you are really cute. So cute to the point I almost forgot my own position as your older brother and just go trying to make you mine.”

Riko blushing while show some shy expression. I brush Riko’s hair gently and then go out from my room. Frankly speaking, just now I stuck my poisonous fang on my little sister isn’t it? What a nasty bastard I am. Well, it’s can’t be helped, this is my [Disease] after all. When thing was related with girl, my body suddenly become a nasty bastard that instantly. Trying looks cool in front of a girl, and then seduce her, lastly, calmly confessed at her. The point that really annoying is the thing that I can’t control it at all, it as if my heart already possessed by bug or virus. It’s okay if it was my true feelings, but there is no way to know when my [Disease] will turn on the switch and do random speech. And the result, I raised too much flag and even going out with two girls in the same time. If the usual me, maybe I will turn down one of them, but my nasty [Disease] seems wanted to make harem, thus doing simultaneous progress and simultaneous capture.

When I went to the dining room, the breakfast seems already prepared. There is Salad, Toast, Scrambled Eggs, and Boiled Sausage on top of the table. The one prepared for those were Kaoru-san. Kaoru-san currently 30 years old and she give birth to Riko on 16 years old which was 13 years ago. But, even though she was 30 years old, I’m sure if she lied and said she was still 20 years old, anyone will believe it.

“Good morning Kaoru-san, you are pretty as usual huh.”

Even when the other party is my own step-mother, this still happened. Surely, this was beyond saving.

“Good morning, Saigetsu-san. How about your wounds?”

“You don’t have to worry, it’s not significant wound anyway.”

Showing refreshing smile while sitting on the chair.

Well, yeah, it seems ‘refreshing’ but actually that just an act. Really, I should have to search way to cure this [Disease], or not….

“Here, Onii-chan, say ‘a~n’.”

Riko brought the sliced tomato from the salad plate to the front of my mouth. And before I know it, Kaoru-san already beside me and brought the sausage and do the same thing with Riko.

“Saigetsu-san loves sausage more than sliced tomato isn’t it?”

“Onii-chan, eating sausage in the morning is not fresh. Here some sliced tomato instead.”

What I can only do was smile and tried to deceive them. When Riko saw Kaoru-san beside me, she stared intensely at Kaoru-san. 

“Why did mom intrude my love-love time with Onii-chan in the morning?”

“Since when morning become time for Riko-chan? Morning is the important communication time for me and Saigetsu-san.”

“Don’t take my Onii-chan! Didn’t you already have father as your partner?”

“What are you talking about? I love Saigetsu-san as my own son.”

“Is that so. But, in Riko’s case, Riko loves Onii-chan not only as brother but also as a single boy. We even already promised to marry in the future!”

“Siblings can’t marry you know, please just give up.”

“But we are not blood related, so it’s okay.”

“In that case, I’m not blood related as well, so there’s no problem for me too.”

To my father who currently transferred job, I’m really sorry! It seems this household will see its end soon. And mainly the one at fault is me.

“Then, Saigetsu-san, which do you choose between this young girl and me!”

“What kind of mother to call her own daughter with ‘this young girl’?
It’s really painful knowing that a carnage scene that become an everyday occurrence. And the reaction of my [Disease] at this time is…

“Why not we get along instead?”

Hey, did you considering my father that currently transferred away as not exist!?

“Saigetsu-san an ideologist of ‘love and peace’ as usual huh. Well, as mother I will accept it—”

Riko suddenly stood up while mother declaring that.

“If Onii-chan request for it, Riko will do anything for you with smile and free!”

Father, this is bad. The collapse of this household will happened soon!
Suddenly, sound of the intercom can be heard, which made Riko and Kaoru-san surprised. It’s a chance! Let’s use this opening to run away….

“Oh, this is bad. I should get going soon.”

Thus, I start stood up as if nothing is happened and start preparing for school in order to run away. As I changed my clothes, I take a vow in my heart. No matter what way it is, this [Disease] must be cured soon. Or Mochizuki household will collapsed and someone will be hurt again. I don’t want to hurt and be hated by person that I love anymore. Its okay not a kind of ‘perfect guy’, as long as I can be a person that do everything normally without hurting other people is enough. If I able to stop my brute my personality, I want to start everything again from the start……I’m sure I can, maybe, or should I say I hope I can do that. I’m a human after all.


To commute to Kanrin Private High School, I need to take a walk and continue it using train which will take around forty minutes. This school is popular because of its good General Education Curriculum, Science and Mathematics, and Computer Science. Why did someone stupid like me able to pass the test to this school is still a mystery, I’m sure it just because I’m lucky. Or maybe because of my two friends who helped me to study for the test. Anyway, in order to deny that this school was not fit for someone like me, I studied with all my might which was really difficult. I was off from school only for two days, but I can feel hostility glances at me. I’m sure while I take a rest at home, rumor about my wicked fact was spreaded. Capturing two of five top beautiful girls simultaneously, and shouting [3P Wish]. Well, it’s not weird if I made some enemy isn’t it. As if running away from hostility glances, I go to my own seat and tried to make my presence as weak as possible. 

“Yo, Ges-san.”

There stand a brown skinned macho guy. His name is Yatsuse Sousuke. One of my few friends. 

“Good morning, Sousuke.”

“When no girls around, you got no spirits huh.”

“You sure lively anytime, Sousuke.”

“I don’t have any distress like you after all. But still, it seems now you already crossed the ‘High-Level’ and now on ‘High-End’ huh.”

By the way, what he means by ‘High-End’ is a word to point out that when one thing having highest grade, but what Sousuke use here is implicated that the thing was gone too high that it was far from beyond one expected which in the end, one have to meet its end.

“Beware Sousuke, if you get too friendly with me now, you will get your reputation blown away as well.”

“Don’t worry, even if I’m not popular with girls, I still have MOMO-chan with me.”

He thought that what he said was cool, but I don’t really think so. Oh, what he means by MOMO-chan is about the protagonist of anime that currently he addicted to,Magical Princess MOMO.

Even though he is a macho, Sousuke is an Otaku. By the way, when asked why did he maintaining his macho figure, the answer is “So I can be useful when the time I am summoned to another world and I also hoped able to use [Killing Field] there and saved the heroine.”. With this, I can say that Sousuke is enough to be called ‘High-End’ too.

“Are you free now? It seems Chi-bou want to have a word with you.”

I’m sure Chi-bou currently in a really angry state. I don’t really want to meet her, but it’s better than staying at class that full of hostility glances. Sousuke brought me to the rooftop. There, sat a girl on bench that currently reading a book. A girl with short cut black hair and glasses. Her height is around 150 centimeter. And her eye met with mine. She is not cheerful and lively like Yusa-chan, but I know a lot of thing about her. Her name is Momose Chinatsu. The only girl that know about my [Disease]

“Good morning, Chinatsu.”

I’m smiling while tried to sit beside Chinatsu.

“What did you read?”

Chinatsu showing the title of the book that currently she read. And what there is Hundred way for start a torture on someone.

“I-I’m really sorry. I’m really sorry for being born to this world!”

“Why did you apologizing?”

“Well, you know, what I love is not a torture, but Chinatsu.”


She said it with that expressionless face. Chinatsu, Sousuke, and I already together since grade school. And because of that long relationship, made Chinatsu the only girl that understand about my [Disease]. And that friend of mine, close her book while sighing.

“Did you know why I called you here?”

“How about leave that aside, and let’s talk about what is going happened with us together in the future.”

“How is it about the Two-Timing Case that happened to you recently?”

She completely ignoring my [Disease]. For information, it seems Chinatsu able to judge which one is the real me and which one is the [Disease]. She said that when my [Disease] who was talking, the light is as if gone from my eyes, and turned become [Rape Eyes].

“Two-Timing? No way. My only one is always Chinatsu.”

“Hmm, it’s better to ask your body directly then.”

“Mam! Even without my acknowledgment it seems my vision already turned dark!”

Chinatsu’s small hand seized my head. It was Chinatsu’s favorite move, [Iron Claw]. I’m half-crying while begging for her forgiveness, and finally released after some minutes.

“Tell me the details of the matter.”

“Let see, I’m called by Yusa-chan and Shizuru-senpai, and before I know it…..”

Yusa-chan seems have photo about I who get along with Shizuru-senpai, and Shizuru-senpai also have photo about I who get along with Yusa-chan. Totally already planned by someone.

“I’m sure there is third-person who leaked the information. I have a lot of enemy anyway.”

Basically, my reputation is the worst. Since a lot of people know about me who was the enemy of women, a group called [Hunt Mochizuki] was established.

“Well, now the result is my body is clean and only for loving Chinatsu without any obstacle. I will always be with you, Chinatsu. Chinatsu is the only one who understand about me, and whenever I was beside you it feels as if I was healed.”

“Oi, Ges-san, honestly, even me who heard it feels disgusted.”

Actually I feel disgusted too.

“My feeling is real. I love you Chinatsu. Without you beside me, my heart feels so cold.”
As time lapsed, the choice of words seems worsen. Even I, want to cure this [Disease] you know. Automatically two-timing, causing the collapse of household, please no more…….

“Sousuke-kun, do you think this can be cured.”

“Who know? It’s already shown that it’s really hard isn’t it?”

“Chinatsu, please don’t abandon me. If even you abandon me, I……”

Chinatsu who saw me with a face like a little dog that going to be thrown away sighing.

“…..I’m not going to abandon you, but it’s seems to cure this kind of problem can’t be left on amateur’s hand.”

Actually I have been gone to a counselor before. But, since the counselor was a woman, without I know it my [Disease] already seduced her and even going to date with her…..I can only laugh about it.

“Leave aside the inside, Ges-san outside appearance is pretty much good looking after all.”

“Sure, a really harmful good looking guy that good with his tongue.”

I’m praised, but I feel that it was sarcasm.

“If this can be cured, I want to be cured you know….”


“Yes I am! I want to build a happy family with you Chinatsu, having one son, one daughter and one white dog! And with you beside me, I don’t need anything else—”

“What is your dream, Saigetsu?”

“Of course it was a cozy harem! No, I mean become government worker? Without stable income, one will not able to maintain a family after all. Do you know? Become an adult is the time when one able to support their own life. If you unable even to keep yourself alive, it means you haven’t become an adult yet. That’s why, one day I want it four people.”

“Ges-san, the sex ratio that you dreamed is?”

“Of course it was one guy with three girls!”

“Isn’t that what people call ‘Harem’?”

Chinatsu and Sousuke throw a really amazed looks at me.

“I-I mean daughter. You see, I’m sure if we have one daughter it will be really cute.”

“So the wife is two huh…..”

Yup, I think so. My [Disease] is that kind of guy after all.

“Okay I got it. If that the case, I will take a route that will love all my girl equally, and having one daughter per girl. It was a bit hard for a government worker to support seven persons though. But don’t worry, you are in a safe condition if you life with me Chinatsu……”

“And now the wife is three—”

I can hear Chinatsu start playing with her hands, and at that time my [Disease],

“I already said that I will love you all equally isn’t it? Did you have any dissatisfaction or something!”

“Why did you become the one who angry, Ges-san?”

Of course the bastard that feels so defiant about with what he said who is me, now currently taken Chinatsu’s [Iron Claw].

“……..Please no more, I can’t stand with this [Disease] anymore.”

“Saigetsu, is making harem was your true feelings?”

“Of course no. I will not deny that I love girls, but I don’t want to two-timing, having affair, or anything that will hurt the one that I love. But you know, even with that sense, in the end I will always hurt girls isn’t it?”

I wonder, why am I this kind of person….

“I will have to stop getting close with a girl except Chinatsu for a while.”

“Good, decision.”

“Well, there’s now way you will stop though. Your plan in specific is what, Ges-san?”

“I will think my self as a tree. Recently I always thinking that for the next life, I want to become a tree that always stand still, while doing photosynthesis.”

“But Ges-san’s pollen is so useless and in top of that there are a lot of them.”

“Now you mention it, it is. And then I will fertilize a lot. I’m sure………….So, in the end I will end up the same way as I’m now huh.”

I can only laugh for now.

“Even if Saigetsu a brute, Saigetsu is still Saigetsu.”

Chinatsu using word as minimum as possible with a really deep meaning.

“In the next life, I want to live with you as close as possible. Just like trees that have its branches entwined with one and another—”


“If it’s for you, I will try to become stronger than before.”


“Now I understand clearly that Chinatsu is a tsundere.”

“… tired.”

“Aa, please don’t leave me, Chinatsu-chan!”

A shout of good-for-nothing guy filled the spring sky.


Just stay at school already worn down my soul. As expected, it was because of my [Disease]. I have to search the way to deal with this [Disease] of mine. While I’m thinking about that, I finally reached the road to my home. I don’t want to increase my time with Kaoru-san and Riko, so I want to spend my time before going home. And if I tried to spend my time near the station, there is a chance that I will meet with the [Hunt Mochizuki]. That’s why I now tried some place that I never been before. I see a little shrine, and finally I take a rest in a park while do nothing and kill the time. This park is a park that a bit far away from residence. Along the outer part of the park, there is Japanese Beech and Sakura tree planted there. I sat at one of the swing, while viewing the petals of the Sakura tree. Petals of the Sakura tree were so pretty and it was a pleasure to my eyes. Not much people went this way, and not even presence of single car. It still 5 in the evening, but it’s surprisingly quiet. But, this kind of condition is what I love the most. When I’m alone, my [Disease] will not rampaging after all….

“Next time I will not fail. And this time, I will try so I will not found out while doing two-timing……”

Eh? What with this monologue? 

This is the worst. When I’m alone my [Disease] were not reflecting at all with what already happened. What a really awful [Disease]. In the end I’m become hopeless nasty bastard. I’m sorry for being alive. I’m sorry to breath. There is a demon inside me.

“Your pretty black hair and lovely eyes, even with one glance my heart already taken by you.”

My [Disease] responded to a black cat that approached me.


“No need to feel embarrassed about it. I just tell the truth. Is it a sin to say beautiful to something beautiful? Please take responsibility because you already take my heart.”

The cat lied down on top of my lap. I possess special skill to seen through the gender of any living being. And my [Disease], as long as it was [Female], it will still seduce them. Like this, well I love animals though.

“I want to drink coffee in the morning with you.”

With this, it seems I’m the most hopeless human in this world. I already tried a lot of thing, but the cure for this [Disease] still not found yet.


Become defiant and laughing desperately. And the black cat left my lap. I can still feel her warmth on my lap, but the gust of wind toke those away. While feels so lonely because of left alone, suddenly I can hear a really high-pitched sounds, but that disappeared soon. As I looking around, I can see that the world was as if painted by oil paints and lost it’s real feeling from it. The residence become like a paper set that always used for theatre. The trees now as if draw by crayon, and the sun, as if will fall any moment. A rough world that the sense of distance can’t be felt.

A sense of anxiety erupted at once.

What’s going on? No, It’s not ‘what’s going on’, there’s not even material from my knowledge that match with anything in this world. I don’t know what is happened with this world. 

Wait, calm down. At this time what important is take a deep breath isn’t it. Okay, take a deep breath, and then vomit it slowly. Now, let’s try see the surrounding again and…….nothing changed. Is this perhaps a change that caused by my [Disease]? What a not really funny thing. Let’s positive thinking. If, my existence in danger I can go to hospital instantly. But if I die……the victim of my [Disease] will decreased isn’t it? And it will end with Happy End where everyone happy. Huh? This is weird. Am I always this hopeless?

Suddenly a thick sound can be heard. A [person] can be seen just now fall to the center of the park. Suicide? But….when I see above, I can’t see anything for a place to jump from. Sure there are buildings nearby, but it’s actually a bit separated from this park. My eyes confirmed the [person] who just now fall is a girl, and at that moment my body moved automatically on its own and rush over to her. It seems the fall just now didn’t cause any broken bones to her body.


It seems she is breathing.

“Are you alright?”

When I saw her face, I can decide instantly that she is a really beautiful girl. She have pretty hair that so silky as if it was made from silk and it seems so fluffy. Below her beautiful nose, there was a pink-colored lip. Seen that kind of beautiful girl that so beautiful as if it was unreal, I now doubt my eyes whether it was real or not. But, I surely can feel her body warmth which made my brain think that it’s real.

“Uu, so hurt……”

When she opened her eyes, I found a really fascinating violet-colored eye. Just by seeing it, made me as if being absorbed by it. But, is this kind of perfect beautiful girl exist in reality?.....Well, whatever. As long as it was girl, whether it was my delusion, or whatever it is, it’s okay. I held her in my arms and supported her back.

“Eh? Huh? But……..”

The girl who just now opened her eyes stared at me. And I also stared her back.

“You don’t have to panic, its okay. For now, take a deep breath first.”

“Can you recognize me?”

A really disarray word that have its meaning unknown.

“I don’t know where you fall from but, is it still hurt somewhere?”

“I-I’m okay.”

The atmosphere was so awkward. Now I see it again, her attire is really weird. A clothes with white basic color and it have machine circuit-like motif and she wore a white beret on her head. Reminds me of nurse clothes long time ago, but it’s unexpectedly have impression of strong inorganic feeling from it. If I should mention it, maybe Magical Girl is the closest impression that I got currently. This is absolutely a really weird development. But it’s okay. I’m a weird being in the first place with weird [Disease] after all. Adding one or two more weird things or weird situation will not change the fact that I’m weird. That’s why, let’s just accept it and live on. Don’t worry, I still doing my best on living. Even if this girl is actually the delusion that caused by [Eight-grader syndrome] that accompanied with my [Disease], what I see in front of me is a really charming girl. I, as long as it was a girl, even it was actually didn’t exist….

“……I will love you till your bone.”


“I don’t know what happened, but I will surely listen to your story. Don’t worry, I will accept it whatever the story is. Even if it means fighting the entire world, I will never abandon you no matter what.”

I really surprised that my [Disease] able to spit that kind of cliché line in this kind of situation.

“Eh? How did you know about that?”

“I want to be your power.”

“…..Will you help me?”

“Sure. I will help you with everything that I can.”

“Is that so. Now I understand that you are a [Debugger]. Never even once I thought that will meet one so suddenly like this…..”

[Debugger]? I don’t really understand, but maybe it was her setting on her mind.

“But it’s really good to meet you. I currently suffered damage because I just now got surprise attack and currently trying to restore my power. If there is a [Debugger], I’m sure I will able to do something with it.”

Surprise attack? So the setting on her mind is a fighting scene huh.

“By the way, what did you fight?”

“The [Bug] of this world.”

I see, so that’s the setting. But, even thought it was my own delusion, how can I unable to thing this kind of setting?


When I asked her that, she suddenly take a sharp glance and look up to the sky.

“It seems we don’t have the time for explanation.”

She then stood up.

“[Debugger]. Be a lure and try to make a chance for me to break in, and leave the rest to me. I will deal that thing myself.”

“That thing?”

“It will here soon.”

She thrust her hand forward and do a grasping motion.

“Assembly. Source-Code. Bug-Fix Weapon. Model Size. Compile.”

A scythe appeared on her hand. Even though it just my delusion, my thought unable to follow it at all.

“Resource-Code. Compile.”

At first it seems like a worn-out scythe, but after she muttering that, the scythe vibrating and it become prettier, but some of the part still stay worn-out as it is. Even though the thing that happened in front of me is a delusion, somehow I can feel the mixed feeling of real and unreal from it. But, if it’s actually a real thing, isn’t it actually a really big problem?

“Restoration percentage, still around 30%. A really grave situation.”

I don’t know what she means by grave situation. Waa, I don’t want this more. I want to go home and stay on my bed!

“It’s here!”

Before I asked what’s happened, she pointed her scythe to the sky. A girl with a wing-like body part is there. It looks like human woman from her breast to her head. Even though her breast was swaying when she flap her wing, somehow I don’t feel happy at all, I wonder why? Well, the answer is easy. Both her hand is wing, her lower half is bird-like, and the portion is around 7:3 for the human part is the one lesser. Even though she have well-shaped breast, I don’t feel happy at all. Or should I say, it was a waste. Ah, now I reminded about it again, she reminds me of enemy character that appeared in Role Playing Game. If I remember it correctly it was Happy……no. It didn’t have that kind of funky name. Let see, um, ah, it’s Harpy. The thing in front of me is a harpy. And she even caught the blade of the scythe with her claw.


On top of that she even shouted just like unknown animal. Enough, I don’t know anything more. But, I understand one thing. It was the feeling of mob-character. I now understand the feeling of those mob-characters that appeared on some B-class movie that their role is to be killed. Because now I unable to move at all, which will be easy prey just like those mob-character. The girl tried to shake-off her scythe from the Harpy’s claw, but the Harpy seems not intended to set free the scythe at all. The time when the Harpy flapping its wings, I unable to stand still and fall on my back. Even I tried to stand, it seems there is no more strength on my legs. When the Harpy moved its glance at me, the Harpy stopped its movement. I do posed look and smiled at Harpy. Even I only able to laugh inside. The harpy instantly released the scythe when she saw me. And the girl didn’t let the chance escape. But, the Harpy easily flaps its wing and flew to the sky and she did a dive which the direction is me.


It grabbed my leg, and flew again to the sky at once. The top and bottom feels as if reversed. Since the situation is really weird, I don’t even have the will to scream. But, the feeling of lost gravity is real. Damn it! It seems this sense is real.


That nonsensical scream is really scary. Now, I’m not even able to think what’s going to happened from now on. But, if I stop my though, I will meet my end here. Let’s try to be a tough guy even though currently I’m a mob-character.

“I-I think I’m not that tasty even if you eat me!”

As if heard what I say, Harpy shakes its head.


I think what Harpy said is ‘That’s wrong’. Then, what is your intention? I don’t want to think more than this point. Well, I actually able to guess what going to happen next.

“Don’t tell me that you fall in love with me?”


The reaction from Harpy’s whole body confirmed that it’s a positive. So, from now one I will be a husband of a monster huh. O’ God, isn’t it too much for me? How much are you going to drive me into the wall until you satisfied? The reverse [Rape Eyes] from Hapiko-san was really scary. I’m sure after we do copulation, she will eat me immediately. Well, you see, Hapiko-san have big breast. If you only see her face, she is pretty much beautiful. But you see, the hand is wing, a real bird’s wing, and the lower half is also bird, her claw were so pointy, mostly bird isn’t it? It’s impossible, in a lot of way. Please forgive me just this once—

“I will receive your feeling. If you feel that way about me, I’m so happy you know.”

Please don’t accept it with that good-guy smile! So, in other word my [Disease] is like that? I mean, as long as its [Female], anything is okay? Ah, now I remember it again, it is huh. Ah, Me, Die.


Hapiko-san looks so happy as she flew around in circles. And thus, a lover of different races is born in the sky can be seen.


I can only laugh it now. If I laugh, I’m sure god will do something about it. 

“The one who become rule is now on a turn upside down condition.”

Along with her voices, the girl who held a scythe appeared. I don’t know the theory of how she able flew here. I don’t know but I’m not surprised. My common sense limiter already exploded after all. As if there’s footing there, she kicked the sky and leaped this way. But, Hapiko-san able to dodge it easily. Suddenly, the blade of the scythe already in front of me. The angle is obvious that as if my head going to be slashed by that scythe. In that flash, tears can be seen from Hapiko-san’s eyes and she turn her body around.


A fleeting sensation.

The flying scythe slashed directly at her body.


Which made me suddenly shouted. But, than worried about other person, isn’t it better to worry about myself? As you know, I didn’t have wing, and Hapiko-san currently falling. If I think about it again, didn’t I will die here? 


Even with this condition, my [Disease] worried about Hapiko-san more. In that moment, Hapiko-san hugged my body and tried to protect my whole body from the crash.


This girl, protected me from the crash? That moment, when the crash happened my breath feels as if stopped. But compared to I already feels back then, this seems not an instant death. My breath returned normal in a while. With no pain at all. Hapiko-san shed blood while staring at sky.


I was protected by Hapiko-san. Why did she do it this much? We just meet some minutes ago, not even my feeling reached her yet surely. And yet, why….

Ah, now it didn’t matter it was [Disease] or not, the impulse from my heart is real. I really feels want to hug her. I want to save her. I want to become her salvation.


“No, please don’t die. Aren’t you going to make me your husband!”

Without I know it I already hugged her. Ah, this love is not a lie. The me now is really love hapiko-san from the bottom of my heart. Even if we are different race, I don’t care. Isn’t it where we should start our life? And yet, living force inside her is already disappeared.

“Hapiko-san! Don’t die! We just met isn’t it! Our life should be start from now on!”

Hapiko-san smiled faintly. And she starting turned became like that sandstorm on TV.


Hapiko is vanished. 

The love that I found just a few minutes ago, now disappeared. I never know that my true love will be lost so fast like this. This is the most traumatic broken heart that I ever felt.


Hearing that voice I turned around, stand there was the girl who held a scythe.

“Why are you crying?”

“…..Even though I understand it, I unable to do anything.”

“I don’t really understand what you mean but, good performance. As expected, a [Debugger] is really effective against [Bug].”

Did she say something so dreadful while smiling just now?

“….If I hear the context from what you said just now, somehow it sounds like the [Debugger] is the one who deal the finishing blow to Hapiko isn’t it?”

By the way, [Debugger]-or-whatever-it-is, was a word that pointed at me.

“What are you talking about? The one who deal the final blow is you, you know.”

Isn’t she just spitting some unknown words? Isn’t it just like if I killed the one that I love isn’t it?

“Um, isn’t Hapiko protected me and die in my place instead? I will not forgive if you do some blasphemy on the word of the dead.”

“So you didn’t have any awareness about what you do huh…..”

“I’m not [Debugger], my name is Mochizuki Saigetsu.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m a [Wizard]. My official name is Ubatama. You can just call me Tama.”

Another unknown word appeared. What she means by [Wizard] are those people that able to use magic? 

“Just what is these [Bug], [Debugger], and [Wizard] thing?”

“I though you already know about it, but are you really don’t know about it at all?”

“Don’t misunderstand. The one who is weird is not my head but the reality itself…..”

“I don’t really understand with what are you saying but, let me explain from the beginning then.”

To understand this condition, I didn’t have any choice than listening to her explanation.

“First, let’s talk about [Bug] then. [Bug], frankly speaking is a phenomenon that actually didn’t exist at first in this world. The Harpy just now, or its real name is [Harpure], is actually a being that must not exist in this world. That monster is a magic phenomenon that we call as [Bug].”

Even if she said that, not even one thing that she said come to my mind.

“About [Bug] that was a being that should not exist at first I already know, but the point is why did it exist?”

“According to the [Information Law], it said that they take form after get much information. Those information usually come from the humans when they were daydreaming, which give the [Bug] more information about what form they should take. And it was a progress of the Physical Law or maybe Science and Technology. For example, the Harpure just now it completely fantasy-like being isn’t it?”


“Even if they didn’t wish to become an existence, they will still take form and they start to [Rewrite] the world as they appeared in the world. [Bug] is that kind of being.”

I don’t really understand but, [Bug] is an unrealistic being that not exist in the real world. Then, they naturally take form of fantasy being that was from the daydream of us human.

“Then, what are you?”

“I’m a [Wizard]. Someone who the objective is to erase those [Bug], you can say that I’m this world’s antibody.”

“Are you a human?”

“Hmm, no. Or maybe, I’m an existence that close to those [Bug]. But legally speaking, we are a bit different and separated by a certain law.”

She spit something that I didn’t understand again.

“A being that disconnected from the law of the world? I don’t understand it but, in other word [Bug] is something that shouldn’t exist but it existed instead?”

“Well, even if they were existed, their existences are weaker than the Law of the World itself. That’s why, people unable to see them. But, in order to survive, they tried to bend the Law of the World itself. And if that happened, even normal human will able to see them. That is what you call [Shinshoku].”

“Is that [Shinshoku] thing dangerous?”

“Yes, it’s really dangerous. If a [Bug] become a [Shinshoku], they will able to make those that not exist become exist by changing the world itself. And in some case, there is a chance that one existence will be [Erased].”

“[Erased]? You mean disappeared?”

“In the past, where legend of dragons, or fairy folklore still exist. Currently, that ‘Dragon’ or ‘Magic’ is impossible isn’t it? And if those beings become real, it will cause contradiction with the law of the current world, and if it become really big, it will make the existence of the world itself which [Erased].”

“I don’t understand but, that means really dangerous.”

And after reaching that conclusion, a question arose.

“Why did I able to talk with you here?”

“There some rare chase where a human able to see [Bug] and [Wizard]. That what we call as [Debugger]. When a [Wizard] joint hand with a [Debugger], they will show a really strong power. In the past, those [Debugger] who able exterminate [Bug] are even called as [Hero]. And since Saigetsu-san is a [Debugger], that made you become a [Hero] to exterminate those [Bug].”

Even I being told that, I didn’t feel happy at all. For now, let’s put the information in order. An object that didn’t exist in this word is called as [Bug]. Then, Ubatama’s role as [Wizard] is to [Erase] those [Bug]. And if [Wizard] unable to [Erase] the [Bug], the [Bug] will able to [Rewrite] the world as they wish. And this evolved [Bug] is called [Shinshoku]. If a [Shinshoku] appeared, there is a chance that they will even [Erase] this world. And then, between humans, there were some of them that able to see [Bug] and [Wizard]. This is what they call as [Debugger] and also the current me. I understand till that point, but still it’s too disarray that it as if the real feeling can’t be felt at all. But well, what I can do is fooling myself into understanding that.

“And then, why did you say that I’m the one who deal the finishing blow on Hapiko?”

“Let see, [Bug] able to [Rewrite] the world and made them as if they were exist in this world. They posses the [Shinshoku] nature by default. As it grew stronger, the [Shinshoku] nature also get stronger. Also, the range of thing that being rewritten are get further. Maybe this power is power that close to power of the God himself. About the matter with Harpure, fall from that height I don’t think she will easily disappear like that.”

“But she did isn’t she?”

“That what [Debugger] is. [Debugger] is a human being that existed originally in the real world. Even how strong [Bug] able to rewrite the world, they are no match with being that already with the Law of the World itself since a long time ago. That’s why, when a [Debugger] around, they can made those [Bug]’s [Shinsoku] nature offsetting each other, and may also made it cease its effect. Actually, if there is no [Debugger] there, Harpure will able to [Rewrite] that crash and made it no effect at all. But since you are there, you made her [Shinshoku] nature weak and made her unable to [Rewrite] the crash. In other word, you are making her immortal nature disappeared.”

“Then, Hapiko who fall together with me is….”

“Yup, nice achievement, Saigetsu-san. You are just saving the world!”
Even with that smile and clapping hand, I don’t feel happy at all. It as if I carried a really heavy Cross with me. I, with this hand, unexpectedly killed Hapiko who I love. What a tragedy.

“Um, your complexion seems bad, are you okay?”

“M-My heart feels really cold…..”

“Are you okay?

Tama crouch down with a surprised face. I can hug her if only I lean a little. Just what the hell did I thinking……

“Hapiko-san died because she was saving me.”

“True, but what you do is a right one.”

“Whatever the reason is, I have killed a girl with this hand. Please just kill me, I will pursue her right now.”

Eh? Hey! Why are you going on rampage here! Are you seeing Thanatos or something!

“Wait, if you do that I will be really troubled.”

“I will do it as clean as possible so I will not troubling you.”

“I’m troubled by it!”

She grabbed my shoulder.

“Um, err, what should I say, you see, my current specification is only on its 30% of it, in other word the current me is similar with a piece of junk.”


“And there is other strong [Bug] just like that Harpure just now, there’s a chance that they will become a [Shinshoku] so….”

“So you just need to exterminate it isn’t it?”

“It is, but a 30% powered [Wizard] are in it’s barely condition to exterminate a [Bug]. Also, most of my [Application] are down currently and restoration will need time. And if I encountered a [Bug] in this condition, I’m sure will be done instantly.”

“Hoo, that seems so serious huh. Well, I’m currently going to cross this sea of living world and pursued……”

“Please wait! The world will disappeared! It’s a pinch!”

It seems Tama have a relatively pushy nature.

“But, I already do that to Hapiko…..”

“That is that, and this is this. Let’s just forget it. Or should I say, please forget it!”

Ah, a bad premonition is here……..

“Hmm, so that means you are going to make me forgot about Hapiko?”

Even though Hapiko died just now, how can I become like this again instantly….

“I don’t know how to but, I will try my best!”

She gave me a triumphant pose. I recovered from grief condition just now and then stood up.

“Did you think even if you said that, Hapiko will able to live again.”

“The most important thing is Positive Thinking!”

“Yeah, it is. Okay, let’s start from the beginning again then. My name is Mochizuki Saigetsu.”

I hold out my hand to her.

“Um, I’m a [Wizard]. My name is Ubatama, please call me Tama.”

Tama smiled as she do handshake with me. Even though I still not forgot about Hapiko, but it seems my [Disease] treat it as something in the past and forgot about her. 

“I look forward to working together with you from now on, Saigetsu-san.”

“Nice to meet you too, Tama.”

But, Tama is cute so it’s okay. As expected, even without my [Disease] I’m actually a rotten human huh. I’m sorry Hapiko. The person that you saved just now is this kind of useless guy. The life of a guy you just saved is a life of this nasty bastard. If it continue, it’s so sad for you. I will value this life that you saved and live in exchange of you. That’s why, I should cure this [Disease] soon.

“Um, why did you didn’t release my hand?”

“Let’s go home just like this. It’s better to walk like this instead of not since it was warmer.”

Hapiko, I’m really sorry. But still, I will do my best.

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