Friday, April 19, 2013

[Motenaki1] Gess 2 [Fight of the bewitching man]

Gess 2 [Fight of the bewitching man]

It’s been a few days after I met with Tama. Since then, Tama always following me around. I can see her, but it seems no one able to see her other than me, even at home Kaoru-san and Riko completely ignored her. Sometime it made me doubt whether Tama is real or just an image that made by my delusion. It seems she finally able to have real body after the reparation of Materialization Application is over. Currently she materializing in my room, on top of that she is naked. If only I have bad luck, there
will be a chance that Riko will accidently come to this room in this situation. Well, the following development of the story surely will come to another carnage scene. Previously, when I was caught talking with Tama who still not able to materializing yet by Riko, she thought that I was talking with a ghost or something, and then she grabbed a cutter on top of my desk and shouted “Evil Spirit begone!!” while slashing the air near Tama. It was pretty much High-End behavior what my little sister do.

Tama immediately canceled the Materialization Application after she checked that there is nothing wrong with it. Other than that, now Riko frequently come to my room while brought some salt and stick some charm on the wall. After that she shouted “I will protect Onii-chan’s chastity from the licentious evil spirit” and then she slipping to inside of my futon. For me, the one that have its chastity in danger is actually Riko. Lately, the dangerous relationship between me and Riko increased its level and almost crossed the line. Good thing Kaoru-san was there, but in exchange now her relationship with me now escalated more than before. If only I make a mistake here, the collapse of this household is not a dream more. And it means, I have to win over my [Disease] with all what I got. Honestly, while I have this kind of problem at home, at school is no better. Tama who materialized made my reputation worst. And while take a walk, an unknown blonde bastard said “Mochizuki Saigetsu is a human garbage, and before you cry you better stop going out with him. You are being tricked.”

“You got it hard huh, Getsu-kun.”

“I have a lot of enemy after all.”

“How weird, how could a funny person like Getsu-kun hated by a lot of people?”

Tama said that on the way home. Recently, after Tama absorbed information about nowadays culture, she become more frank and she called me with ‘Getsu-kun’. Also, she now wore the uniform for Kanrin High. It seems inside the Materialization Application there also a function to change the design of her clothes at will. And with this, our [Bug] hunting days go on, but as usual the hostility glances following me everywhere. Lately, people who stared at me bluntly lessen, but some glances still can be felt. When I turned around, nobody there, maybe this is just my persecution complex. 

One day I was called again by Chinatsu and Sousuke to the rooftop. Tama who unable to read the mood, suddenly materialized, and I told her not to follow me to the rooftop. I’m sure, if Tama meet with both of them, thing will become more complicated, and on top of that there’s high chance that the reason why I was called to the rooftop is have relation with Tama. I arrived at the rooftop, and there sit Chinatsu who read book like usual. 

“I-I’m sorry.”

“It’s become habit hearing you apologized lately.”

Chinatsu said that with an amazed look. And Sousuke who also sat near her, looks amazed too.

“Ges-san, isn’t it too fast? I hear that you already have new girlfriend again.”

As I expected that this will be what they asked. 

“No, it’s a misunderstanding. I with Tama was not like that…..”

“Your hand joined with her’s.”

It is but, did you see that with your own eyes, Chinatsu-chan? 

“If it just joined hand, even friends do it. Or should I say that, we human are an existence that has to joined hand between one and another so we can help each other. That’s why the matter about me was not has any special meaning behind it.”

As expected of my [Disease], I can only feel amazed whenever it doing its job. Chinatsu raised her face from her book and stared at me.

“Then, have anything more to say?

Scary. You’re too scary, Chinatsu!

“Well, we actually not having any love relationship of something like that, we more like on a cooperation relationship. I only helped her doing her job, and it’s not like what Sousuke and Chinatsu-chan think…..”

 “What kind of job?”

Being asked like that by Sousuke, what I can do is only tried to avert my eyes. I don’t mind saying it but, I’m sure they will not believe it and in the end I will be scolded more because they surely will thought that those are just a big lie.


Chinatsu stared at me with expressionless face.

“L-Love Strategy Cooperation…….?”

Chinatsu stood up while still stay silent. This is bad, if this goes on, I will be abandoned. I stood up and grabbed Chinatsu’s hand.

“W-Wait, Chinatsu. What I just said now is only something to deceive you, but it seems something weird is out carelessly from my mouth instead…..”

“You are thinking of deceiving me?”

“No, well………I love you, Chinatsu-chan!”
Thus, a body blow is received.

“I thought that after the two-timing case you will reflect on it, but it seems you didn’t change at all.”

“D-Don’t abandon me….”

I’m not in place to say anything but, my current self is so unsightly and beyond saving.

“I have obligation at you, so there is no way I will abandon you. But still, I feel shocked from the bottom of my heart.”

“Frankly speaking, I was shocked too Ges-san. Not even one month the two-timing accident happened, you already become like this again. Well, we know about your [Disease] but, isn’t this just like if you didn’t restrain yourself?”

I thought so. I swear to god that I actually think the same.

“There’s nothing happened between us. We are friend or something close to that……”

“But the chance is not zero right? No one will know if you get near her.”

“The best thing that on my mind is making her to hate you and abandon you though….”

“Too bad, that kind of thing hardly will happen. Saigetsu have a uselessly fast reaction and he will do thing fast when one need his help. Even though he is a trash, he precisely thinking about the other party, that’s why this will be hard to deal with. He basically a human trash, but we unable to deny what he do, because he always carefully deals with thing and he even put the other party on first priority that even more than himself.”

“As expected of his ex-fiancée. You know him well.”

“Just a story when we just kid, I don’t think you need to bother about it.”

“Even now I still love you Chinatsu. Oh wait, please forgive me and please don’t stare me like that.”

She sighed.

“I wonder what should we do with this trash…..”

How cruel! 

By the way, the beginning of our love is started when we still in grade school. At that time, I always kind to any girl, but one time I met with a girl that always bullied by other people. And that was Chinatsu. Because of my [Disease], I ended up fighting with those kids who bullied Chinatsu. The enemy was so tough, and I end up beaten up instead. But that pain was not that much if compared when I see Chinatsu being bullied by other people. That’s why I start practicing Taekwondo, and finally I able to pay them back and able to stop their bully on Chinatsu. The time when I defeated the boss of the bully, we promised each other to be a fiancée and she accepted it immediately. However, the fact that I have five fiancées was found out and I was dumped by all of them. But, even Chinatsu already breaking the promise of engagement, she didn’t abandon me. After that, Chinatsu growing in her personality to the point that she able to shave my mentality point down.

“Anyway, Ges-san became center of attention because of your usual behavior. That’s why I should say that you have to pay attention to your surrounding. It’s okay if you hunted by [Hunt Mochizuki] alone, but it’s really dangerous if you also brought that girl with you.”

[Hunt Mochizuki], a group of male that their objective is to beat me dead using violence. Even though I know that the reason they do it because they jealous of me, they named themselves under the name of justice instead. If it was one on one, I’m sure with my ability to win. But since they are bunch of cowardice, they usually group themselves around 5-10 per group. That’s why I most of the time run away from them, and only counterattacking the time when I unable to run away anymore. After I do that again and again, without I know it I already get used to it and even able to deal with their hunt easily.

“Oh, now you mention it, there are chain mails that the content is about defamation of you Ges-san. And the content was something like, about you kicked a pregnant woman, or make a move on a grade school girl, or involved in adultery of three little girl, and so on.”

Sousuke show his mobile phone that the content mostly about the defamation of me.

“There is no way I’ll do something like this! I am a bit weird because of my [Disease], but no way I do violence to woman, I’m also not a lolicon, and last perhaps I also didn’t do any adultery to any little girl!”

“Is what he said, how do you think Chi-bou?”

“Back than I actually believed you, but after the two-timing matter, now it’s really hard to believe you.”

“C-Chinatsu-chan, I’m innocence—”

“You aren’t.”

Yup, that’s right, my whole body is full of sin after all.

“Nevertheless, I wonder who will do defamation mail like this….”

Damn it! The timing already passed too long which made me hard to specify anyone.

“Well, that just rumor after all. If you really didn’t do it, please have a faith in yourself more, Ges-san.”

“That’s true, but still, I don’t want my reputation shattered because of something that I didn’t do. I can still accept it if it was true, but the content of these chain mail is just too much—”

For the sake of justice, I don’t have any choice but to fight. 

“I will restore my own reputation! Until now, I stay quiet even with that two-timing matter happened, but if this continued, I will become a nasty bastard—”

“You are nasty bastard, and you also never stay quiet.”

“I agree with you Chi-bou, and Ges-san is also an aggressive hopeless human.”

“Shut up! How about rooting for me even for once!”

“But there’s fact that you already hurt two girls. Did you have self-conscious about the fact that you are the worst nasty bastard?”

“Y-Yes I have. I am a nasty bastard.”
“Good then. Now, even if you are a nasty bastard and always do nasty act to girls, I will trust you for this once. That’s why, you should explain about your [Disease] to both of them who become your victim.”

“I have to explain it to Yusa-chan and Shizuru-senpai? How should I do it?”

“How you should do it? Why don’t you just drop to hell and die.”

The word ‘Why don’t you just drop to hell and die’ that said by Chinatsu just now have 90% tsun and 10% killing intent. Ah, no dere huh.

“I will not say that you have to take responsibility and do something great to recover but, it’s better for you to do it fast. And how to do it, you just have to do what you always do. Since you are a nasty bastard, you just have to do what a nasty bastard do. Like that, are you understand, human trash?”

“Um, I am nasty bastard. I’m sorry, and I will do my best as a nasty bastard.”

“Oh well, do your best, you nasty bastard.”

Sousuke seems having difficult face while folding his hand.

“Well, it’s okay to do your best but, honestly I’m against of that idea. If it was Ges-san, I’m sure he will seduce them again when he apologizing to them. It always like that isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I worried about it too though…..but this time, I will say it to them when I seducing them that they were being two-timed, is what I thought.”


“I already learned from my previous mistake! When making harem, one must do it openly and the other party is not limited to only two. I can also going out with three or four people at once! If I can make them fall in love with me, it means it was my win!”

Because of this nasty speech, of course I received Chinatsu’s Iron Claw….

“Hey, Saigetsu. Making harem is your true feeling isn’t it?”

“No! My vision suddenly darkened and my head feels so hurt, Chinatsu-chan. I’m sorry it seems I’m suddenly got caught of the moment.”

I begged for her mercy while half-crying. Finally released, I saw Chinatsu and Sousuke throwing a frown looks at me. If I don’t do something, I will loss my two only friends. I straighten myself and then focused my eyes on them.

“Don’t worry, as friend what you guys have to do is just believe me.”

Both of them sighed in the same time. If it came to this, I can only show them what I can do!

“Please look over me, guys!”

Anyway, there is a lot of thing that I have to do. Like hunting [Bug], and have a talk with Yusa-chan and Shizuru-senpai. And if I can successful at doing those, I can show to Hapiko that I can do anything if I do my best. Okay, let’s do this!


Just like the word ‘make hay while the sun shines’, I immediately act since that was my strong point. Sousuke said that I’m an aggressive useless human but, it’s better than useless human who do nothing isn’t it. Well, what I should think now is how I should act so the damage will not escalated…….

That’s why I will start with Shizuru-senpai.

“Getsu-kun, let’s search for [Bug].”

Without mindful of my circumstances, Tama appeared before me. You are really doing thing in your pace aren’t you? Well, it’s okay as long as she didn’t materializing here, since it surely will make a big problem for me. For information, when Tama were in school, I told her not to materializing. Thus, only me who able to see her, and when I talking with her, other people who saw this will misunderstand me as someone who have something wrong his head. Well, since there were not much people who stay afterschool, I able to talk with her freely.

“As I already said before, I associated with various people. And thus, for today I only able to apologize since I have to prioritize this problem. I promise that I will compensate for this.”

“Well, that’s okay, but you have to pay it with your body okay?”

After Tama said that, it made me imagining a lot of thing in my head. Well for now, let’s focus on problem in front of me.

My direction currently is the library. Since Shizuru-senpai is one of Librarian, I’m sure she still working there. Now I mention it, the first time I met with Shizuru-senpai was when I have task with librarian.

“Ah, I forgot something important.”

“What is it?”

“It just came to my head. If I remember it correctly, Senpai is taking exam for final exam this year.”

Yeah, and since Shizuru-senpai is third-year, there is a chance that she will be freed from her task as librarian. Well, whatever. Whether she is there or not, for now I can only make sure of it myself. When I thought of that, I can see back of someone that I know. And I reflexively stopped. That small back, make a turn. It was Yusa-chan. When her eyes meet mine, she seems having surprised face and tried to avert her eyes. Unexpected encounter. It was different with what I already planned, but I as a man should not let this chance escape.


Yusa-chan stopped her walk and she glanced at me and averted her eyes again.

“I-I need to talk with you.”

“I’m going to toilet, so please don’t get in the away.”

There is no way I’m following her to the toilet isn’t it. After that, what I only can do is viewing Yusa-chan who disappeared to the toilet.

“That girl, somehow so tsuntsun at you.”

As Tama said, tsun is Yusa-chan’s basic stance after all.

“But the chance is still here.”

My [Disease] nonchalantly said that. This is bad, I should suppress this or not…..

“Chance? You seem like someone that will be hated by her though.”

“Yusa-chan’s tsun-barrier is really thin, so with a bit force I’m sure will able to break it.”

I’m sure I can. Huh? Eh?

“Hmm, then, what are you going to do next? Are you sure you will able to reconcile with her?”

“Of course, I’m going to push her down.”

Hey! You stupid! Please stop! Hey, me!

“Just see, Tama. From now on, what you going to see is how a man fought.”

Don’t try looks cool with that posed looks! As I already expected, my [Disease] didn’t reflect with what happened before!
I can see Yusa-chan come out from the toilet. And she has that sharp looks on her. If the normal me, I’m sure I will run away immediately but my [Disease] not going to stop at all.

“Yusa-chan, I need to talk with you now.”

I ignored Yusa-chan’s glare and without I know it I already hold her hand.

“It’s not good here, follow me.”

Just how overbearing I am. Even though Yusa-chan already said “Let go my hand!”, in the end she still following me. Her tsun-barrier is thin after all. She basically always has her tsun personality, but she also has a fairly bad natural airhead, and even easily brought to the back of building this easily.

“Yusa-chan, I have something to tell you.”

She glaring at me with that displeasure face. Yup, it’s completely rejection from her isn’t it.

“W-What is it, don’t stay quiet and staring at my face. Say something!”

Because of that, I purposely stay silent and stared at her. And the result is she now having face as if going to explode and red colored. So cute.

“……Ah, I forgot what I’m going to say. As expected, this maybe because you are to pretty, Yusa-chan.”

The setting of my [Disease] is making that I forgot about what I’m going to say.

“I-I will not be tricked that easily you know!”

She counter-attacking with that flushed face.

“You have [Disease] aren’t you! A type that will seduce any girl! I already know it!.”

I sighed and then get on my knee and put both of my hand to the ground.

“Only Yusa-chan, the only one that I unable to forgot!”

I put my forehead on the ground. It’s what people call ‘Dogeza’. And this is the fight of man.

“I will not forgive you even if you do dogeza!”

“I’m so sorry, Yusa-chaaaaaaaan!”

I cling to Yusa-chan’s feet while crying. This is also the fight of a man.

“I miss you Yusa-chan! Without you, I’m so hopeless! If there no you beside me, I feel as if I can’t to live on anymore! Without you, this world is the darkness itself! So dark! Without you, my future is really dark!”

Tama pulled back from me while showing ‘Uwaa, this guy…’ face. Someone, please kill me!

“I will not be tricked anymore! Even while you apologizing like this, you are two-timing aren’t you!”

“I will not doing that anymore! I swear to god and to my love for Yusa-chan—”

“Even if you say that, it’s not going to work now. You have girlfriend aren’t you?”

“That girl is not like that! That was misunderstanding. Just like the time I saved you, I saved that girl because she was in trouble. Yusa-chan also knew my personality that will not leave alone someone who is in trouble aren’t you? Or is it, you already lost your trust on me?”

“You are a guy like that…….”

“Did you hate me Yusa-chan?”

I looked up to Yusa-chan with eyes like little dog. And that instant, Yusa-chan lost for word.

“If you really did hate me that much, okay I will not appear in front of you anymore. If you hate me, please say so. If you do that, I will make sure from bottom of my heart that I will not get involved with you anymore—”

“But you betrayed me.”

“Please look over me from now on—”

I pushed my head to the ground stronger than before.

“If it can’t be back like before, at least please let me become your friend again! It’s enough for me as long as I can protect you and watch over you! Only by see your smile, I already satisfied! I love you! If it’s for you, I will do anything for you.”

“Even if you said that, that was because of your [Disease] isn’t it? You will seduce other girl again aren’t you.”

“I will cure it! I will cure it for you! If it was for Yusa-chan, I feel that I can do anything that should be impossible!”

“I will not be tricked…..”

“I will swear to this love. I love you, Yusa-chan.”

“I will not forgive you even if you look at me with those eyes.”

And then I can see tears falling from her eyes.

“That was because I love you so much! And yet, the one that I love for real for the first time, is betrayed me. All happy memory, all become nothing because of you. Even the cause was your [Disease], I will not believe you anymore.”

I realized now. I, actually didn’t have the right to apologize to her. Whatever the reason it is, I did hurt Yusa-chan. I never though that I who want to apologize so I can forgive myself is actually will not do any better for other people.

“……I will ease that painful memories, and let’s have happy memories from now on!”

Eh? Why standing?

I reach out my hand to Yusa-chan’s face and then wipe her tears. There seems no sign of Yusa-chan refusing me and she stayed obedient while I wiped her tears.

Huh? What is this? Just what with this development?

“If you didn’t believe my word, it’s okay. But I will not lie to myself that I really love you Yusa-chan. Even if you hate me, I will still stay by your side.”

I stared Yusa-chan with eyes like a little dog that will be thrown away.

“I don’t have anyone other than Yusa-chan. Without you, I’m useless.”

No, Yusa-chan! If you agree with me, the same thing will happened again! No! Please stop! Ah this flow of energy, my [Disease] on full power! Please, someone stop my [Super Disease Time]!

“I-I-I’m not going to be tricked by you anymore!”


Good, for some reason SDT able to be halted for now. Now, it seems I able to talk my true feeling since my [Disease] is ‘sleeping’ for a while.

“The one just now, all of them is my [Disease]. I’m a trash! That dogeza, random speech, all of them is lie! Even though I don’t want this anymore…..”

“I really did love you but I’m a genuine human trash! Please don’t get close with me any more! If you near me, you will be tricked by me again!”

“Eh? Saigetsu?”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry for being a nasty bastaaaaaaaaaard—”

I shouted and run away. What I can only do is run away. 

“Getsu-kun, why did you run away? I thought you going to push her down.”

“That’s no good. If I pushed her down there, I will become a real nasty bastard.”

“I don’t really understand but, after various things happened, she knew that you are two-timing isn’t it? Aren’t you going to have your relationship with her back?”

“I don’t have any will to have a relationship again with her. I just want to talk about it, that’s all.”

“But you even do dogeza and even confessed again to her aren’t you?”

“That’s my [Diease]. When the switch turned on, I unable to control myself. And it will make me doing anything to seduce and also do random speech….”

“But that already like that even in the past isn’t it? So, how can that cute girl fall in love with the lowest human like Getsu-kun?”

Those word piercing precisely to my heart.

“To me, it seems she kind of have some lingering affection to you. Just how did you meet her?”

“It’s not a really great encounter though…..”

While thinking that, I remembered the event on the past. That was when I still first year high school, and it was on summer. At that day, I was chased as usual.

“Wait, Mochizukiiii!”

The one that chased me is a group of several Yankee with an extreme anachronism.

“Give back grandmother—”

“Tome-san passed away last month!”

Even an old man chasing me.


“Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!”

Not only human, even dogs and cats chasing me, of course all of them is male. 

“An ambush? Damn! Okay, if it came to this, I don’t have any choice than doing that.”


The basic way to win a fight is by do surprise attack. Before the other party able to react, I do a high kick at one of the guy who still pursued me. The hit was so clean that it able to make that guy passed out in one hit. When I look around I can see a girl with a surprised face there.

“…..Don’t tell me, is this blonde guy your boyfriend?”

“N-No, He isn’t! He is a pervert! A stalker!”

Thus, I accidently saved Yusa-chan. By nature, it was time for my [Disease] to take a move and tried to talk with her but…..

“He is here! Mochizuki Saigetsu is over here!”

He called another Yankee who just passed by that alley. If I stay here, I’ll be killed.

“Aa, damn! Then, take care!”

And after that I run away from them once more.

“I never thought that I will know someone who have cliché kind of encounter where he saved a girl who was in trouble. I expect no less from you.”

Not only cliché it also have drama feeling from it.

“And then, I meet again with Yusa-chan by chance at school and she thanked me. Since then, I lent her my power to deal with the stalker and before I know, we already on good term.”

Every time I met her, my [Disease] always said something like ‘Cute’, or ‘Pretty’ or ‘I like you’ at her for greeting. Unlike Chinatsu, Yusa-chan’s protection is so weak, and she always flushed easily. There, my [Disease] got elated and do more. After this and that happened, and many obstacle I able to capture two girls in the same time.

“Of course, since it was Getsu-kun, you do it to all girl isn’t it? You are a nasty bastard after all.”

Yup, that’s right.

“Then, about that Yusa-chan girl, what are you going to do?”

“……I’m not going to do anything about it. I will not get near her anymore. I’m a person who only knew how to hurt other people after all.”

I stood up as I sighing.

“For now, maybe I’m going to go home then.”

“It’s called ‘reap what you sow’ isn’t it, Getsu-kun.”

Hearing that, a bitter smile floated from my face. 

At the way back home, Tama operated her Materialization Application and now currently walking beside me. To comfort me who still have a lot of thought about the matter with Yusa-chan, she seems more talkative than usual. But in the end, Tama is Tama after all.

“Let’s search for [Bug] around the Game Centre.”

It’s unknown whether it was searching the [Bug] or playing game the one become her main objective there, but since I am the type of guy who will not able to decline request from girl. I accepted her request immediately and then we went to the Game Centre near the station. If I should say it honestly, after the matter with Yusa-chan, I just want to go home and sleep. But, well, it’s can’t be helped. And because it was can’t be helped, we should do the [Bug] hunt seriously.

“Tama, it’s okay for you to play game, but is it really okay not to search for [Bug]?”

Tama was engrossed playing shooting game.

“I already said it before but, [Bug] is a being that no allowed to exist in this world. And [Bug] was produced from human. Then, when human having wish that didn’t come true, or having too much delusion, these would invite [Bug] to them. If one, having strong affinity with a [Bug], that was the time when an outbreak happened, sometime it even able to infect other person.”

“Now you mention it, you said something like [Bug Offshoot] or something like that, is [Bug] can infect other people?”

“It can, especially to person who have a strong affinity with that certain [Bug].”

“So basically [Bug] is existed inside human?”

“That’s the beginning. After growing and no need its host anymore, just like that Harpy back then, she didn’t need host any more and she able to live independent isn’t it? But, sometimes when the affinity too strong, can made the host able to see [Bug] and depending of the situation, even the host can control the [Bug].”

I don’t really understand but, that was how it is.

“Hmm, and why is it have to be here, at Game Centre? Well, for me as long as I can be with you, I feels happy though.”

“Game is the very stage itself for something unreal isn’t it? The impossible world existed inside game. They who play game have tendency of producing desire unconsciously. Incidentally, the one that easily infected by [Bug] are those who currently in their teens or maybe we usually call it ‘Puberty’. You see, puberty is the time when they still have gap in their heart, and still worrying about which is ‘dream’ and which is ‘reality’.”

“That’s true. I’m one of the person who currently on puberty, so you don’t have to worry whether I understand or not about your explanation.”

“Then, the one who come here most of them is teens. That’s why, what I do here is not simply only playing game. That’s why, Getsu-kun, I want to play game. Is it no good?”

“Well, there’s no way I will decline the request of my lovely Tama. But, this is the last okay.”

I hand over the one hundred yen coin to her, but it seems she almost ignoring me. After that, with that one hundred coin, she able to do from the beginning till the last boss. I, shouted ‘Do your best’ or, ‘I love you’, or something like that from the back.

The time we leave Game Centre, days already turned dark, and many light from neon lights were penetrating my eyes. Because of this front of station is the very place for the [Hunt Mochizuki], we using back alley instead. It’s already proven that the chance of meeting any of [Hunt Mochizuki] is lowered if I using this back alley. Street light and the sign of bar is the only source of light in this alley.

While we talking about worthless thing, a sudden buzzing sound can be heard. Tama and I stopped our step in the same time, and the sound stopped after a while. The surrounding’s scenery turned just like inside painting. But, unlike at that time with Hapiko, this place has a surreal sense of direction. 

“How lucky we are, we don’t have to search them since their side seems the one who commence the attack. It’s here, Getsu-kun!”
“So, it’s a [Bug]?”

Instead of answering me, she changed her appearance, and before I know it she already hold a scythe.

“I have a big expectation for you, Getsu-kun.”

“Don’t worry, I will protect you Tama.”

I answered her with posed look. Even if I said that, I really don’t know specifically what I should do. Wait, isn’t this a complete surprise attack? Tama’s eyes changed just like a Raptors that looking for its victim. It’s too sudden to the point I didn’t know what happened here. I can sniff some iron smell. And I understand that the dark grey lump in front of me is an armor of a knight after some time. It swing it’s sword at me. When I understand the situation, is also the same time that the blade of the sword already before me. A thick sound can be heard and sparks can be seen, the source is the clash between steels. The armored knight who use sword and Tama, causing sparks. 

“Lie down, Getsu-kun!”

Before I moved, Tama already used the back of curved part of her scythe to push me down. She even still has time to destroy that knight’s stance and hit the knight back a few meter. The armored knight who blown off by Tama, now already fall to the ground and rolling for some distance. 

“Getsu-kun, I can’t bring that down by myself!”

“Okay, leave it to me!”

Then, what am I going to do anyway?

“That thing, most likely a grown [Bug] I think. It will be hard even for a [Debugger].”

“It will be easy if we combine our power together to bring that down.”

Nonchalantly show off….. what should I do in specific? Should I kick that thick armor with my fragile feet? 

The armored knight slowly stood up. There is wing decoration on its helmet which concealed its eye. The only part that shown is its mouth and the face is mostly still hidden. Its whole appearance has lightweight equipments, but some part of the breast and hips can be seen from the gap of the armor and it gave impression as if that knight is a girl. Other special characteristic is its robe of feathers. I don’t know what the theory, but that robe seems so fluffy and floating. 

“Prepare yourself, Getsu-kun!”

A gap of dozen meters is covered just in a few second. What a monstrous speed. The armored knight aiming its sword and make me become its target. Luckily, Tama’s scythe is there to counter it. But, for next attack the armored knight is faster because the recoil effect of the scythe is bigger than sword. Saw that opening, the armored knight purposely hit Tama’s scythe, then its throw up its sword, and last punched Tama using fist that used to hold that sword. Tama’s body flew a few meters. That crazy strength, made me unable to do anything but stand there just like mob-characters on B-class movie. 

“It’s bad for a girl to do violence like this.”

Even at time like this, never forget to smile. But, the eyes of the knight that covered by helmet didn’t fall for this. The fist that sent Tama away just now, now already on my forehead and my vision turned dark that instant. The time that I feel my head so hot was when the ground already in front of me. I still have my consciousness. The proof is that my neck feels so hot and hurts. But, my body didn’t show any sign will move soon. My world already painted in red-blood color. This is just my speculation but, the attack just now, broke my neck isn’t it? Yup, it’s broken. Is this mean that I, will die soon…..? Eh? Really? I’m dying? In this peaceful country named Japan? This situation is really impossible isn’t it? 

I can see the armored knight pick up its sword again and approaching here. I want to run, but my body feels so heavy. Eh? Isn’t this dangerous? The armored knight looked down at me and our eyes meet. That eyes, just like if seeing pebble on the roadside. Ah, I see. I am dying huh. Well, just like that. My life actually already ended at that time anyway. I’ve been living 10 years since that day, it’s enough isn’t it? God, Chinatsu, Sousuke, Kaoru-san, Father, Yusa-chan, Shizuru-senpai, Tama, and all little cats, thank you for accompanying me till this day. I really happy able to meet you guys from the bottom of my heart. Good bye.


Accompanied with Tama’s voice, a thick sound can be heard. It seems Tama counter-attacking that armored knight. Tama peering to my face who lie up there.

“Getsu-kun! Get a grip! A [Debugger] is an observer—if you are inside [Directory], you can influence some part of the world, and to recover you just have to imagine a healthy body!”

Sounds unreal, but there’s nothing wrong to try it. I closed my eyes while imagining a healthy body. Huh? Somehow I feel so sleepy when I closed my eyes. This is bad. That’s called Death Flag isn’t it? 

No, If I die here, I maybe will made Tama sad. See, finally I can move my fingers. Even the pain on my neck, feel better and slowly disappeared. I take a deep breath and open my eyes. I slowly tried to raise my body. When I checked my whole body, now it feels like before I received that blow. But somehow I feel surprised because this is as if I am immortal…..

“….Getsu-kun, can you fight?”

Tama’s eyes focused at the hole on a bar. It seems, that armored knight was blown off there just now.

“There’s no problem with my body, but that knight a girl isn’t it? If the other party is a girl, not mention kill, I will not even do violence to them.”

“The world will disappeared you know?”

“But you see, killing a girl to save the world? What kind of joke is that? But still, if I didn’t do it, the other girl that I love will disappear too. Fumu, what a hard choice.”

“Just now you are killed by her you know? Are you still didn’t understand how dangerous she is?”

“You can’t win over her alone?”

“Yup, impossible.”

“Let’s run away then.”


I take Tama’s hand and start running.


“Tama, the way to win a fight number one, surprise attack. This is what that girl did just now. Number two, if you think you can’t win, run away is the best choice. If you keep this two in your mind, there’s no way you will lose.”

“You know Getsu-kun, our purpose is to eliminate that [Bug]! Let go off my hand!”

Tama struggled while trying to make my grip loosened.

“It’s strategic retreat. We basically received a really bad surprise attack, and also, I only become a hindrance for you. That’s why, if you can’t beat her alone, even if we do it together I’m sure it will do no better. Let’s retreat and fix our stance for now….”

“What you said is right.”

“Isn’t it?”

“I understand so, please let go off my hand. Even if we run away—”

When I let go off Tama’s hand, a sound of clashing steel can be heard. When I turn around, I see Tama and armored knight crossing swords.



“It’s hard to fight using scythe! Make a sword!”

“Even if you said that, I…….”

“A [Debugger] basically can make anything as long as you imagine it!”
What with that magic-like thing…..well, it’s already proved that I even able to revive from grave wound. Let’s try it then. Let see, a sword huh. The image on my mind is a katana. Which reminds me that on middle school, when I was found out that I am on good term with the daughter of a Yakuza, her father use that katana to try to kill me. That’s was so scary. I recall the shape of the katana, and a katana suddenly appeared in my hand along with its scabbard. This is so cool, just like a summoning magic!

“Tama, I did it—”

When I turn back, I can see Tama already on her knees while received the slash from the armored knight. Her scythe already worn out, and her body now full of cut wounds. Seeing that, I take out the katana from its scabbard and I throw the scabbard to the armored knight. Armored knight easily slice the scabbard in half, and now her attention are focused on me.

“I-I think it’s better for a girl to not wield any edged weapon…….”

Before I finish my sentence, the armored knight already rushed over me and she tried to slash me diagonally from the shoulder. With some luck, I able to received the slash with my katana, and spark between swords scattered.

“I-I’m sure this can be talked over. You know, to avoid a traumatic encounter, how about we hug each other? And since we are man and woman, it’s not impossible to love each other right?”

Her eyes that covered by her helmet full of killing intent.

“Your bravery and your chivalry spirit are stole my heart away!”

Than heart, it more to life, the one that already she stole. Just what the hell did I talking about? Overpowered by her strength, now I on my knees while desperately tried to receive her slash. Do your best, all my muscles!

“I-I love you. I fall in love with you in the first sight! I can feel the fate between us!”

When I see her closely, the face somehow seems like the face of someone that I know. Used to see, or should I say that I see her today. Like her nose, lip, and all of the features on her face really similar with someone that I know.

“Wa—, timeout! I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. You see, um. I-If only we spend some time together, maybe we can understand each other! If I die now, all will be over!”

The blade, sink cleanly into my shoulder. It’s so hurt. I tried peeked her face from the gap of the helmet. Ah, this face, as I already expected before. Suddenly, blade from Tama’s scythe glittering behind the armored knight.

“Watch out!”

Responded to my shout, the armored knight turned around. The sounds of clash between steels rang and it made the pressure from the armored knight’s sword loosened. Tama sliced the armored knight from the back. Even though she able to respond to the attack due to my shout, the back of the armored knight still received the slash and now the armored knight’s movement dulled. Seeing that, Tama increased the tempo of her attack. That time, I can see that Tama’s face as if she is different person with Tama that I know. Her face is expressionless and giving impression as if she is a machine. Tama used the scythe as if dancing and now she crating a windstorm with it. Armored knight received Tama’s attack, and each time, the sounds of clashing steels can be heard. Tama increased further the tempo of her attack. Wounds can be seen from the white skin of the armored knight. The table now already turned. But, suddenly all sounds can’t be heard. The armored knight risked all of her life on her sword. She thrust her whole body to the storm of scythe dance. Tama who saw this, tried to back step and take some distance from the armored knight. 


I rush over to Tama. Even when her breath already out of order, her eyes still stay firmly stared to the armored knight. A long silence. They exchanged their stares that full of thirst for blood. 

“Let’s stop it. It’s so wrong for girls to do something like this.”

The armored knight took a small glance at me, and she kicked the ground and jumped to the sky. What I and Tama do are look up at the armored knight who now disappeared to the air. A buzzing sound can be heard and the world back to how it was before. The sense of discomfort wiped away, and the pub now back to how it was before. Tama put her scythe back, and she collapsed.

“Tama, are you all right?”

“I wonder. But, one thing that I know, the fight just now consumed quite much of my power.”

Her wounds already disappeared, but her facial expression still seems pained.

“Please give me a little time. I need to restore my power for a while.”
What I can do is only hold tight Tama’s shoulder. Or should I say, why did you casually hugged her, my [Disease]!

“I’m sorry unable to become your strength. But, since now I’m here to protect you, you can use your time to rest all you want.”

“…..I hope the next time we fight, you will not saved enemy again like just now, okay?”

“I-I’m sorry.”

“I always know that Getsu-kun is a kind guy and it on itself is your good point, but it will be disadvantage for you when fighting. The result, I get wounded, and if only we are out of luck, there is a chance you will die. I hope you will think about this carefully.”

“U-Understood. I will take this seriously. By the way, the armored knight just now, a girl isn’t she?”

“Yes she is, or should I say that she is a Valkyrie.”

“Valkyrie? You mean one of the goddess from Norse Mythology?”
In Japanese, they are called as ‘Ikusa Otome’ which is a goddess, and sometimes they are also called with ‘Walkure’. If I remember it correctly, they are used to be the soul of the heroes that died in war, and god recycled those souls and made them become his army. 

“[Bug] that materialized in the world have a lot of connection with the condition of the host. They use all information that they get from inside the dreams of the host and made it become base of their appearance.”

After said that, Tama closed her eyes.

“Soon, I will go into Restoration Mode. So, I will entrust you to guard me while I’m at it.”

“J-Just leave it to me.”

“I really mean it you know.”

While I watch over Tama who doing her job, I recalled the face of the armored knight just now. Her face reminds me of Yusa-chan’s face. I still lost whether to tell Tama about it or not, but when I recall Tama’s appearance when she attacking the armored knight without mercy, it made me thought that it’s better to keep this in my mind for now. Well, I know that the world is in danger but, still I think that the current peace condition is the best. The fight just now where girls tried to cut each other, that was so wrong. I refuse that kind of development. In the first place, just by imagining Tama and Yusa-chan in each other’s throat, can make my life span decreased by one of third of it. Okay, let’s eliminate the face of the armored knight immediately. Let’s leave it that I actually didn’t know about it at all. I’m sure it just accidental resemblance. 

“Tama, I will protect you for sure”

I also swore that I will protect my peaceful life for sure.


Yesterday was a really terrible day. I got preach from Chinatsu and Sousuke, not able to meet with Shizuru-senpai, my [Disease] running wild when I meet with Yusa-chan, and last I was killed by a Valkyrie. Well, let’s just forget the various accident that happened yesterday, and what I should do now is live on toward the future. But still, if possible I don’t want to meet with Yusa-chan. With that on mind, I tried to erase my presence and walked slowly like a ninja. “Are already lost your mind?” is what Sousuke said but, I actually desperate here. Thanks to that desperate action, I able avoid meeting with Yusa-chan.

“Getsu-kun, yesterday you said that you will protect me isn’t it? That’s why, I will make sure you will accompany me this whole day!”

Is what Tama said first when the school is over. She said that in her Materializing form and on top of that the location was inside my classroom. The reaction of my classmate who saw a sudden appearance of beautiful girl was spreading bad rumor about me, and Sousuke, only able to close his eyes about this matter. Still in the middle of clatter, Tama pulled me out from classroom forcibly. On the way, we encountered Yusa-chan, but since Tama pulled my hand, I can’t tell whether it was really Yusa-chan or someone who similar with her. Not only that, we even passed by with Shizuru-senpai on the way. Shizuru-senpai stared at my eyes, and what I can do is only averting my eyes. But, well, being seen by those two while I’m together with Tama is a real bad luck and I’m sure they will hate me. 

Tama brought me to Game Centre again.

“We are going to do some training for today.”


“As you can see yesterday, that armored knight [Bug] is really strong, and if Getsu-kun didn’t get stronger, it will be a problem.”

“If it’s for Tama that I love so much, I can be stronger as much as you want with our love power.”

“Yesterday inside [Directory], you able to heal your wounds and summoned a sword isn’t it?”

“Yeah, that’s right. By the way, what is [Directory]?”

“Simply put, it’s something that similar to a barrier. Inside, it was the projection of the world that the [Bug] desired. When near one, there is a chance that a [Debugger] or human that able to sense supernatural power, will sucked into it. For weaker [Directory], at far only able to suck in someone’s soul, but for the stronger one, they even able to suck one’s whole existence and make it as if one were being spirited away.” 

Hmm, I don’t get it that well but, basically for weak [Directory] it only able suck souls and for stronger [Directory] it will suck even with the target’s body and make it like being spirited away.

“Basically, [Directory] was a world where [Bug] able to do as they please, that’s why it was different with real world. [Debugger]’s ability can be seen yesterday, where you able to heal wounds and summoned a sword. Also, if you imagining that you are die inside [Directory], you can die for real.”

It seems [Debugger] is someone that able to influence anything inside [Directory] as long as they able to imagine it. I finally understand about that [Directory] thing.

“Then, why are we here?”

“Frankly speaking, because of a lot of information that I got from yesterday fight, for somehow the image that come to my mind about how to get you stronger is by going to a Game Centre.”

Aren’t you just wanted to play here? Well, I don’t mind though.

“If Tama said that it was necessary, I don’t mind to accompany you but…..”

“You don’t have much money?”

“Not really, there is no problem at all about money. I already saved enough when I do part-time job on spring break, so you don’t have to mind about it, but……”


The chance of I will meet with [Hunt Mochizuki] are rising if we went to this Game Center you know.

“Ah, don’t mind. How about we start the training then?”

I’m sure this is just playing around, yup, I’m really sure about it. The one who play game first was me, and Tama who stay behind me shouted “Over there!” or “Ah, you are so hopeless!”. So noisy. Is this really training? 

After I done with the game, it was Tama’s turn. Tama who currently playing game, having face just like yesterday when she was fighting with that armored knight. It’s a bit scary, so I step back from there and playing crane game by myself.

Nonetheless, what with this crane? It’s so weak! Is this crane made a light of me? Or is it trying to pick a fight? Without I know it, I already spent 5000 yen on this crane. The result, I able take one gift from this game. A pair ticket of a certain pool. Recently there is this big recreational facility nearby that have a really big pool that so popular, it even appeared on TV, but it only prosper on start, nowadays it seems it didn’t have much costumers there. I sighed. The me now is not in condition to went into a pool. But I can’t see how I put this one on use. 5000 yen huh. Somehow I feel already wasted much money and time. After I left that crane game, suddenly my [Hunt Mochizuki] sensor responded. I can see some keen movement that tried to approach here. Middle school boys that some have red hair and some are dyed in brown, enclose here. But it seems the one who become the target wasn’t me, but a middle school boy who right now having face as if frightened by them. *Sigh* okay, I’m going to save you. 

“Yo,Tecchan. What are you doing here?”

I called that middle school boy with ‘Tecchan’ as I approached him. The three Yankee turn their head here at the same time.

“You, aren’t you Mochizuki!”

I tried to identify the red haired one, but it seems he is not my acquaintance. Which means…..ah, one of those gentlemen from [Hunt Muchizuki] isn’t it? Well, for now let’s ignore him and deal with the middle school problem first.

“Are you Tecchan’s friend?”

“Oi, Mochizuki, are you ignoring me?”

Can this red haired monkey be noisier? This kind of people who shouting at other people is usually so weak when it come to fight. 

“Is he the rumored Mochizuki?”

The brown haired guy looked at me and I return it with smile.

“Yeah, he is. This guy really is annoying.”

“Okay, let’s kill him.”

*sigh* this kind of guys are those that bullying the weak to kill the time. Well, it can’t be helped. Helping-people mode: On!

“What a noisy fellows. To think that you guys need to swarm a middle-school student just to bully and to take his money, where is your pride?”

The expression of them turned grim at the same time. Yup, as expected, they are scary.

“Or don’t tell me that you guys unable to bully a middle-school student when you are alone? Because too scared if it was one-on-one?”

“This guy is dead!”

“I will make you cry!”

“Let’s make him taste hell!”

Hoho, it seems I success at making them motivated. So scary.

“Let’s do it outside you bunch of trash. I will be you opponent.”
I start walked leaving the Game Centre while pay attention at them just in case they will launch a surprise attack. After left that place, I start walk toward the back alley. 

“There’s an abandoned lot near here, we will do it there. Don’t run away you bastard.”

They make so much noise, but I ignore them and continue walking. Okay, it seems I already gained some distance from them. I start running away from them.
“Oi, that guy is run away!”

“You bastard, don’t run away!”

Footsteps can be heard behind me, but I didn’t turn my head.

“Wait, Mochizuki!”

“Don’t run away you shit!”

“I will kill you, I will kill you seriously!”

It’s already too late. I have experience of able to shake-off from a chase of 50 member of [Hunt Mochizuki] after all. I have confidence in my running ability and maybe even faster than the regular member of track club. I who make running away become my daily occurrence, no way will lose to those newbie Yankee. In the first place, who decided that helping a boy who being extorted by other people, need one to do violence? Who decide it! Even someone who just running away can save people! I who frantically dashed from the Yankee, arrived at the other side of the back alley. The shout from the Yankee behind me, can’t be heard anymore, and even one of them who able to follow me this far, seems already out-of-breath. I run again and leaving the read red-haired monkey and arrived at a park. I sat there and take a rest.
It was a complete victory. That middle-school boy seems able to run away from the extortion, and I also able to run away from the three Yankee who going to kill me. Able to solve problem without causing damage to any party, even I surprised with this result. Suddenly, I recall that I left Tama at the Game Centre alone and when I take out my mobile phone from my pocket, I realized that Tama didn’t have mobile phone. Suddenly, the phone on my hand rang. What shown there was Yusa-chan’s number.

“Y-Yusa-chan……, h-hello….”

The sounds of cars can be heard in the background and a while after that I hear Yusa-chan sighing.

“……..I picked your bag that you left.”

Now she mentioned it, I realized that I didn’t carry my bag with me.

“Where are you right now?”

“Let see, it seems currently I’m at a park that have fountain there and this place is a bit far from the station…..”

“Ah, there…..Okay, just wait there. I will bring it there”

With a sound of *pi* she cut the call. My heart feels so noisy. I’m so nervous that I forgot about my bag when I was chased by the three Yankee. Now I feel don’t care with that bag, but there is no way I will leave Yusa-chan and go home. I sat at one of bench and waiting for her. Suddenly, a presence of people can be felt. It was Yusa-chan, who sat beside me. 

“Here, your bag.”

“T-Thank you very much.”

Now I already received my bag, I wonder what I should say to her next? No! If I say something, my [Disease] will take over me and go rampaging. Thus, I decided to go home.

“O-Once again, thank you, Yusa-chan. I will take my leave then…….”

When I stood up, my hand was caught.

“Wait, I need to talk with you.”

My timing to run away is disappeared! I sat back obediently.

“….That girl that just, even though not your girlfriend, it seems you were on good term with her huh.”

“My relationship with Tama-san was not like that. How I should say it, it was because she herself who have that kind of personality, make other people will misunderstand it. I will say it once again that we were not in that kind of relationship.”

“Why did you use polite word?”

“Well, I just want to made my mind focused, so my [Disease] will not rampaging without I know it, in the end even though I already tried to control it, I always loose control of it in the end……Well, um, I’m sorry for being me.”

Yusa-chan sighing.
“Do you want your [Disease] got cured?”

“Of course I want. But I already fighting with this [Disease] for many years and still no sign that this will got cured….And lately, it even get worst to the point of doing two-timing. On top of that, now my [Disease] declared that it will make a harem. It seems my life as a human already ended. I’m sorry. Please hate me.”
“I already hate you even before you say it.”

I already know it but when I hear it directly it was so hurt.

“……If I leave a guy like you alone, who know that the damage will spread and will make more victim.”

“I’m sorry for being a nasty bastard.”

“As your ex-girlfriend, I will not allow anyone being your victim anymore.”

“You’re right. Lately, I even already tried to stay from girl as far as possible from girl…..”

“I will help you to cure your [Disease].”

The time I saw her, she turn away her face while pouting.

“I’m doing this so there will no more victims from your evil hand! And I never even once think that doing this because of your sake, okay!”

“Just for your information, I really hate someone who do affair like you! But, I have to put an end to this so I will be the last victim! It’s a volante you know, volante!”

“It’s ‘volunteer’, Yusa-chan. Volante is one of defense position that taken by soccer player, in specific it was ‘defensive midfielder’. Or it is actually you want to be a defensive player for me and be captured by me in the end? Okay, I will play your game, Yusa-chan.”

I can see Yusa-chan’s face turned red.

“N-No, that’s wrong! I just got it wrong, what I mean is volunteer! And I don’t want to be captured by you!”

“Yusa-chan so cute!”

Yusa-chan who seems flushed, glared at me.

[Disease] is prohibited!”

“Even when you said that, you already turned red that much. Yusa-chan is really cute.”

“S-Shut up! See, it seems I can deal with your [Disease] a bit.”

Yusa-chan who in a pinch like this was so cute!

“A-Anyway! I, with my volunteer spirit will cure your [Disease], so be thankful to me, Suigetsu you idiot! And also, [Disease] is prohibited!”

Even when she already said ‘prohibited’, my hand already take out the pair ticket from my pocket and gave it to Yusa-chan.

“What is this? A swimming pool’s ticket?”

“Let’s go together, it may also a way to cure my [Disease].”

Yup, it seems now I already entered [Super Disease Time].
“Why you choose a pool?”

“As you can see, I’m a nasty bastard with my nasty [Disease]. This [Disease] is the type of disease that targeted unspecific number of girls, and that is its bad thing. That why, if you able to make this [Disease] only fall in love with you, I think it will solve the problem.”

“It’s already too late. I hate you after all…..”

“Then, if you hate me, you will not have to worry being tricked by my [Disease] again isn’t it?”

“It is, but pool is a bit…..”

“I want to see my lovely Yusa-chan in swimsuit!”

[Disease] is prohibited!”

*Thud* With a sound like a blunt weapon hit something, Yusa-chan throw a nice jab from low angle on my jaw.

“T-There’s no way I will go if you think something lewd like that!”

“If that the case, I will go alone then. But, I think it’s really hard to do that, without Yusa-chan beside me I will feel so lonely. Well, I’m sure that my [Disease] will able make a harem there easily though.”

“Are you tried to threaten me?”

“No, I’m not. What I mean that if I can cure this [Disease] by myself, I maybe already cured this from long time ago. But, it’s too hard……”

My [Disease] is too cruel, but I wonder why? Only for now, I want to root for it.

“I want that Yusa-chan is the last victim for my [Disease], but if this continued, I already guess that it will not end in peace.”

I glanced at Yusa-chan.

“W-What I have to do is just go isn’t it?”

“If you are not in bikini, I think my [Disease] will be disappointed and the effect will be stronger……”

Actually, school swimsuit is okay too.

“Okay, I will wear it! It’s medical treatment after all!”

“Yup, it’s medical treatment. And Yusa-chan is my medicine box! Go go go, my lovely Yusa-chan! I love you, Yusa-chan!”

[Disease] is prohibited!”

She punched me again on my jaw and the effect seems able to make my [Disease] shutdown for a while. Well, my life also will be shutdown too……

“Saigetsu, what’s happened?”

“No, it just that……are you really okay, Yusa-chan? I mean if you feel it was impossible to go to the pool, I will not force you.”

“But, if I didn’t, you will go alone aren’t you?”

“Even my [Disease] will not do something so sad like going to the pool alone. Well since I already got that ticket, maybe I’m going to ask someone else.”

With a sound of *Mu!*, I can see Yusa-chan’s face looked so angry.

“…..I-I will go with you. It’s a medical treatment after all. How about we went there on next Sunday?”

“Are you sure? Who know that my [Disease] will go out-of-control.”
“I’m okay, because I hate you after all. The one at problem is you, you have to pin down your [Disease] as hard as you can.”

“Okay, I will do my best.”

“I will go home then.”

My hand caught Yusa-chan’s hand who going to stand. Ah, my [Disease] again……

“Please stay here a bit more. The time I separated from you, I feel so lonely.”

[Disease] is prohibited!”

After she shouted that, she went away. She said that she hates me, but at least it seems we able to reconcile. I feel so happy, yet I also feel so uneasy. I can see that in the future I will hurt Yusa-chan again. Ah, even though going to pool with Yusa-chan should be a really happy event, for some reason the feeling of melancholy is the one that I feel. 

“So you are going to pool huh?”

The time I hear that voice, I turned around and I can see Tama who smiling at me.

“Yeah, it is. So you hear it?”

“So you are going to pool huh…….”

“Y-Yup. A-Are you angry?”

“I’m not. I’m not angry at all.”

She did smiling at me, but for somehow I can feel an intimidating air from her.

“Someone who go away in the middle of training, is a really cruel person isn’t it?”

“I-I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. It’s really okay. Because Getsu-kun already has someone who have volante spirit that will help you isn’t it. Ah, I mean volunteer spirit.”
It seems she already here for some times…..

“But you see, pool may also a good spot to hunt for [Bug] because pool is the place for many people to gather together. By the way Getsu-kun, in heart you just want to see swimsuits aren’t you?”

“What kind of stupid reason is that. For someone who has 
sportsmanship heart like me, what I want to see is something like swimming contest or something like that.”

“Whatever. As long as you didn’t neglect your job to help me hunt [Bug], it’s okay.”

*Humph!* and Tama kick the ground and after that she jumped to the sky and gone. I sighed after Tama left me who now all alone in this park. Come to think of it, [Bug] is something that produced from human isn’t it? Isn’t it means that the armed knight is actually come from Yusa-chan?

“……Hmm, let’s rethink about it again later.”

One have to live on to the future even it means have to forget the past after all.

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