Sunday, December 1, 2013

Omae no Gohoushi wa Sono Teido ka? [V. 1 - Chapter 1: To the Sacred Blood Empire!]

Asagiri Ryouta is the type of boy that never seen news at all. Maybe, only the name of the current Prime Minister that he know. Actually, that also still dubious. Ryouta, who now on his second year of senior high school, have a unique and not that popular hobby that called as hiking.
“Hee, this mountain is not that high, but it’s pretty steep….”
Asagiri Ryouta mumbling alone on the way to the top of the mountain. Suddenly his mobile phone is shaking.
“Oh well, I am sure it’s that….yeah, no doubt.”

[Title] To Ryouta-sama
[Content] Dear Ryouta-sama
Ryouta-sama, where are you right now? Kiyomizu is so worried because she unable to find Ryouta-sama’s whereabouts. That because Kiyomizu is Ryouta-sama’s...kya! Please don’t make Kiyomizu say the rest. Tomorrow is Monday isn’t it? Kiyomizu will try her best to made lunchbox and bring it to Ryouta-sama. Kiyomizu sure after this Ryouta-sama become captivated by her. Last night because Kiyomizu sleep while hearing Ryouta-sama’s voice that she record before, it give her a really pleasant sleep, thank you very much.
From your beloved Jouryuuji Kiyomizu

“So, even in here still within the range huh. These days mobile phone is so scary….”
The one just now is not threat mail, but just a mail from a classmate. But the classmate herself apparently has the mind of threatening him.  The time he feel dejected about it, another mail come.

[Title] Sorry!!
[Content] As I thought that the reason why you run away from home this morning is because of me isn’t it? I’m really sorry!! Being affectionate has its own etiquette isn’t it? But you see stripping someone’s underpants while they are sleeping, is what everyone usually do isn’t it? I just do it because I need to wash your underpants. It’s not because of my feeling at you or anything okay! I no longer able to see Ryouta as my little brother …… is no way okay. Ah, I can’t hold it anymore. Just by thinking Ryou-chan already made me feels hot this much….is not what happened. That’s why don’t misunderstand me okay! It’s not like I love Ryou-chan or something like that okay! It’s not allowed, and it’s not like that okay!

“So that was Nee-san huh.”
The one that mail him is a person that has the same family name as him.
“If it came to this, should I throw away my phone for better good….?”
Ryouta love light mountain climbing. That because only at this place that he can have a peace of mind. Simply put, Ryouta was so popular that his life always in danger every time.  The reason is pretty clear too. His grandfather when he was at the time it should be the time he already make a marriage proposal, remain single for a long time. He finally able to got married after he was around 50 years old or so. On top of that, the reason is because the other party is love weird animal. After that, the grandfather who feels sad with his fate went to mountain and then does a really weird Mikkyou. That was [In exchange for my lifespan thirty years, please made my grandson become popular with woman!] is what he said. It seems that have a really splendid effect on him. By the way, the grandfather himself is currently ninety eight years old and still alive. Even though his life should be shortened for thirty years old. Maybe the grandfather is not a human after all.
“Argh, damn it. Thanks to Kiyomizu’s mail, now I remember about my dark history again…”
For example is what happened on valentine day when he was still first year high school. Ryouta received more than 500 chocolates. And yet the number of girls in his school is only around 400 or so. Are you envious with me? If you think so, how about replace me. That because this constitution is seriously risky you know. First, get attacked by the envious boys, especially when being surrounded by members of Karate Club and Judo Club. Sometimes even something that on stalker level like Kiyomizu’s mail is also happened.
“Nee-san, please leave me already. I run away from home in pretext of hiking, but if I stayed home any longer than that….”
The time Ryouta tried to remember what happened this morning, made him trembled. If only he late even one second, he will be stripped by his own older sister.
 “On top of that, not only Nee-san’s act that escalated, it seems Kiyomizu’s also become worse than before…”
Jouryuuji Kiyomizu, as the name said she is the daughter the one that managing a temple near his house, and is Ryouta’s classmate. It seems she is rich enough to the point of creating bronze statue of him at his school. Furthermore, it seems her action lately have been increased and even just the other day she write [I always look over for you *Heart*] on the photo that sent to him (The photo itself is the photo when he was bathing). It was unknown how she able to take that photo. Nevertheless, he also attacked by this doubtful secret society that called as [Flat chest protection association].
“Well, it’s not like I’m not happy being popular with girls you know? But when think about the cost is my own life…on top of that I also unable to find the person that become my first love...”
This time the predicted time of descending from the mountain, that should be also the border of Akinomiya Town, will take around five hours. Akinomiya is a small suburban town that placed in a basin, and the population is around thirty thousand people.
“I’m descending the mountain, but isn’t it too quiet?”
Even after he out from mountain hill and went to the residence area, it was so weird because it don’t have any presence of human. He already out from mountain for five minutes, but not even single car passed him.
“I wished there’s some people presence here though…”
Thereupon, a passerby can be seen from the other side. A girl that maybe still around her middle school was there. Her hair is tied on both sides, and is what called as twintail. Even to Ryouta who already being sick and tired with woman, think that the girl is so pretty. She was within [Cute] and [Beautiful] line.
(What a cute girl…..wait, all woman is my enemy….)
A bad feeling. It will be troubling if she out of nowhere confessed to him.
“Umm, excuse me!”
The girl is now stood in front of him.
—Ah, this feeling… feels like when a girl going to confess at me. No, it’s still not confirmed that she will confess to me!
“…..Is there anything that I can help?”
“Um…are you perhaps a Japanese?”
That was one weird question. Is it something like a punishment game? Since she looks that serious when asked it.
“Well, yeah. Both my parents and my grandmother (and maybe my grandfather too) all of them is a Japanese.”
“Is that so! Hooray! I am really happy! It feels like when one found Yeti or Tsuchinoko in a mountain!”
What with that weird example. Suddenly he feels whether he was on the level of rare animal or not.
“Let see, next is to confirm it, is it?....Hmm...”
The girl opened her book in front of Ryouta while confirming something. The book itself is titled with [My first Minion].
—Minion? What the hell is that?
“Um, are you currently on an urgent business? Something like your relatives has terminal illness and you need to visit them right now, or maybe you need to see your girlfriend off, or you have friend named Selinuntius that will be executed if you are not back within three minutes, or something like that?”
“I don’t have any relatives that currently ill, nor I have girlfriend, and also I’m not the protagonist of [Run, Melos].”
—Is it possible that this girl is not Japanese and she needed a partner to train her Japanese? Now I see it again, that her hair is golden-colored. But her Japanese is fluent enough though.
The girl’s eye now back to her book again.
“Is that so, then, what do you think about the Japanese’s system of lifetime employment? If one time you entered a splendid corporation, but it needs you to work until retirement age, will you choose it than choosing some other occupation that not stable for the future?”
“Eh? You are taking a questionnaire in street? Hmm, a downsizing is a pretty serious problem; I guess I will choose a stable one so it will give my parents a peace of mind.”
Somehow the time the girl hearing his answer, her face turned becomes full of expectation on him.
“Then, this is my last wish. Please take a pose when you are going to pick something that laying on ground.”
A really bad premonition.
“I’m sure you will think disgusting of me, but I will say it. Please don’t kiss me when I bend down okay?”
*Gulp* The girl show some disturbance in her face.
“In the past, a grade school student kissed me when I do that…”
“D-Don’t worry, I promise that I’m not going to kiss you! I swear to the Emperor her Majesty!”
“Emperor? Which Emperor? Well, whatever, I will bend down then.”
The girl closing her distance with Ryouta’s slowly.
“Please stay like that for a while.”
“Okay, but what are you going to do?”
“I will bite you.”
The next moment, a really intense feeling of pain can be felt on his neck.
A pain that no one will believe that it was caused by someone’s bite!
“Is it another fault of my curse?! Well, I’ve used being kissed out of nowhere by someone though! But bitten by a girl that love to bite other people is just weird!”
But the pain slowly fading, not like the girl already released him though. She still hold his hand tightly, made him unable to run away from that place.
“Okay, I cang gu it. Dih is my fis time guing ih, bugh I cang gu it ifh I gu it slowly….dat awso written in ge textbook….yup.”
Apparently she is nervous in some way, she even muttering something while biting him.
—Somehow I want to cheer her for that earnest will….wait! What am I even thinking?!  This girl is biting me and sucks my blood! But for some reason it’s not hurt at all, or maybe I should say that it feels sweet.
He wants to run, but he unable to muster his strength to do that.  The time the girl released he mouth from his neck, most of his consciousness already blown somewhere.
“Boy, what is your name?”
Her act that like a coward little cat, now already gone.
—This girl!
“A….Asagiri Ryouta.”
Ryouta answered her while his mind is blank. It as if he was being hypnotized by her.
“What grade are you currently?”
“S…Second year of High School.”
“Same with me then! Fumu, good job, I will praise you for that.”
“Same year? I…can….only….see you…as…a…Middle School student…..though…”
Ryouta rebuked while his mind is blank. It’s about time that even he can’t let out any voice.
“No! No matter how you look it, I am a High School student! Whether it was seen from Japan’s law or Empire’s law, I am a High School student!”
His consciousness somehow back to him even for a bit the time that he heard her voice that annoyed by Ryouta’s word.
“Okay, Ryouta, from now on you are my, Fuyukura Shiren’s Minion. In other word you are now have four roles now, a Familiar, A servant, A Helper, and A Butler of me. I can’t wait for your service! Depend on your work, you might as well get bonus from me!”
Minion? A word that he not get used to hear it. In short, it was something like a Butler or a Maid?
“Then Ryouta, this is my first order.”
He already reached his limit, and he even can only hear her voice vaguely.
“Never ever you dare to leave me alone.”
For an order, that sounds so pessimistic, and as if she is depending on Ryouta so much. 
After that, Ryouta finally lost his consciousness and dive into deep dream. 

Dream is divided in two types. A dream where we noticed that it was a dream, and a dream where we didn’t noticed that it was a dream. Currently Ryouta is inside a dream where he noticed that it was a dream. That was about when he was still fourth grader, and take place inside class. He can’t calm himself down. The reason is because he was being stared by girls from his class. For young Ryouta, that was really painful.
“As I already expected that Asagiri-kun is so cool isn’t it?”
“He is not childish like other boys.”
“I want to give him chocolate at Valentine day later!”
Or something like that can be heard every day. But that was not because he is cool; it was the fault of the curse. Even though in heart, he actually want to become friend with girls normally. But, inside them, there is one girl that not showing any interest at Ryouta at all.
“Okay girls; please don’t cause trouble for Ryouta too much.”
With amazed face, she warned the girls.
“If because of this Ryouta is not coming to school anymore because of fear, whose fault that it will become?”
After that, the girls stopped talking about him.
The time that she coming inside the class, the glances at ryouta slowly fading away.
Sarano Ouka. She has bright red-colored hair that not looks like Japanese at all, and her eyes blue transparent. She has an overwhelming beauty that reign over all students inside class. Also, she is the only one that not affected by his curse.
“Thanks Ouka, for always doing that.”
“Don’t worry. But Ryouta, you also have the responsibility you know. You are too indecisive. I’m sure you will make a lot of woman crying in the future. If you don’t change your habit, you will be dead before you know it.”
“That’s too much isn’t it?”
“Someone will KILL you then.”
“I don’t see anything different at all!”
Kids love to running around
  It’s good for kid to be that energetic
  Lyouta love little girls
  Lyouta gasping when see little girls in school swimsuit.”
“What with the last two!? Is ‘Lyouta’ there is me!?”
Whenever with Ouka, it’s always like this. She never held herself back, and just point out those fault. And he is happy with it. Only Ouka that see him as classmate, not as target of romance. That’s why it is not weird for Ryouta to fall in love with Ouka. That because only with her that he can fall in love normally.
“Oh well. Let see. If Ryouta seven years later still helpless like this, you can just come to my side.”
Ouka walk to front of Ryouta, and pressed her finger to his forehead.
“At that time, I will protect you from all wicked things in this world.”
A queen-like smile. It’s also a fact that she comes to school with black car that only rich one that has it.
“Yup. A Ruler will never break their words.”
Hearing a marriage proposal-like words like that, Ryouta is—
“A, a, a, a…..!”
“But, if you are engaged in weird relationship with someone….I will cut it off.”
“Just what are you going to cut?! It’s scary!”
“Hint: Can be sell at some shady market.”
“It’s so refreshing that someone can said it without flinch!”
—and yet Sarano Ouka is transferred to somewhere without telling him first in the next day.
It’s so sudden that even the school side didn’t have any information regarding to where she transferred to. And since that, even till now Ouka still Ryouta’s first love. Well, it’s not like Ouka can protect him from random attacker anyway. He sure that he currently bleeding and collapsed after lost too much blood by that girl. That’s why he know that this is a dream. But suddenly—
“You are so stupid aren’t you, Ryouta. I already said that I will protect you isn’t it? That is my obligation as a Ruler to accomplish the promise that I already made with you.”
Ouka appeared before him.
“Now, take this hand. I will lead you out of here!”

He opened his eyes the same time when he reaches out his hand. He was sleeping on a bad that he never seen before. A bandage is put on the neck where he was bitten before. It’s not a dream.
“Don’t tell me beside me is…!”
He checks the bed beside him. It was not an impossible thing that the time he wake up, a girl is sleeping beside him. He was attacked by her older sister this morning after all.
—Safe… seems no one is beside me.
“Then…am I being saved by someone? Got kidnapped by that girl is also not an impossible possibility though.”
For information, when he checked his phone, 136 mails are coming from Kiyomizu. He deleted them all.
“For now let see whether there’s someone here or not. Hmm? What is this?”
Something can be felt on his neck.
A weird sound can be heard when he tried to touch it, and when he try to see the mirror, a choker was tied on his neck.
“A choker!? Don’t tell me that I really kidnapped by that girl? On top of that, whose pervert taste to put this choker on me!”
Ryouta who uneasy with it, tried to confirm the room whether the owner is someone with abnormal taste or not, and if it’s positive, he need to run away from that room as soon as possible. Since his choker is not chained, he can run away with no problem. Then he see there that the room itself is pretty plain, and only calendar that maybe something that get his attention.  Today is September the eight, Sunday. I just hope that ‘Attacking random person’ is not written there.

Revolution Month the eighth ---Lucky Day---Good Blood

“Hmm…? What is Revolution Month again? Is it some kind of fortune-telling that popular lately?”
Ryouta tried to flip over pages of the calendar. What there was something like ‘Development Month’, ‘Overwhelming Victory Month’, or ‘Emperor Month’, that sounds really weird. Now what in his mind is thinking whether the girl is someone that loves fortune-telling or something like that. Just when he rethink about it, a voice can be heard behind him.
“So you already wake up. How is it the feeling of you waking up as a Minion? From now on, the me Fuyukura Shiren will become your master! Please do your service properly from now on!”
As already he thought before, that was the girl who bites him this morning.
Apparently she didn’t have any will to apologize to him with what already happened.
“You, err Fuyukura is it? Why did you suddenly bite other like th—“
“Now, my Minion. It’s your first job. Clean this room!”
With a snap, Shiren pointed her finger at Ryouta.
“Hey, don’t point your finger at other like that! It’s a bad manner you know.”
“Listen, you must separate plastic trash and paper trash. The plastic bag is for plastic kind of trash. Hmm, how one throw away spray-can type of trash again? Also, it seems in some corner of this room a cockroach antenna-like can be found. You must clean it as soon as possible!”
“As I already said before, please don’t point at other people!”
“From now on, this room is your bedroom.  But you shouldn’t hide pervert book underneath it okay. If you understand, please do it real fast!”
“How many times already I said it, that you mustn’t point your finger at other! Also, I demand some explanation of current situation!”
“Please clean this room well.”
“Even if you change it to polite word, I’m not going to do it.”
“PLEASE, OSOUJI, THIS, ROOM, OKAY?” (She said all the words in English, but it seems she didn’t know the English word of ‘Clean’, so she use ‘Osouji’ instead which means ‘Clean’)
“Even if you said it in English, I’m not going to do it. On top of that, you even didn’t know the English word of ‘Souji’? Normally people will just go with ‘Clean’ isn’t it?”
The girl’s face gradually clouded.
“Huh? Why even though he is my Minion, he didn’t hear to my order? Then, cook some food then. I want a deep red omelet. Write ‘Shiren’ and ‘My Master’ on top of the egg. It’s ‘Shi’ that taken from ‘Shijin’ (Poet) and ‘Ren’ that taken from ‘Karen’ (lovely) using ketchup.”
“I refuse. On top of that, isn’t the Kanji strokes are too much to be written using ketchup?”
“Then…how about weeding.  Those weed on back yard already grow so much. “
“Do it yourself. If you order me more than this, I will spray this insecticide to your mouth you know.”
“Please do something then! You are my Minion aren’t you!”
“Just what is this ‘Minion’ thingy? Just what the hell are you, for suddenly bite me like that!”
“Don’t tell me that….you are not turned become a Minion?”
The girl (her name is Shiren apparently) flipping through the pages of a book with title [My first Minion]. Now he see it again, that was the book that she carry when they first meet. She panicked and sometimes said “AH, I flip through the pages too much!” or something like that.
“Let see…the easiest way to distinct one whether that person already become your Minon or not is by order that person to spin around three times and then make that person to tell a really funny joke that can made one laugh. And if that joke is really good, maybe you can think to send that person become a comedian. Then….you, spin around three times!”
“How about you spin around yourself.”
“Hmm, if you already bite the target for three minutes and yet that person didn’t become Minion, there’s several reason that can be thought.
1)      Your saliva composition for making process of Minion is still not enough. Maybe because you are still young. Please wait until you are older than 15 years old.
2)      Are you really a Sacred Blood? Not some Japanese that think of themselves as a Sacred Blood, but in fact you are just a Chuunibyou? If you are a Chuunibyou, maybe you need a doctor to examine you.
3)      Maybe because of unique reason. …….
No way…..I already 17 years old you know!”
“Aren’t you mistaken it with ‘Just turned 13 years old the other day and become a splendid Middle School student’? No matter one look at it, you are too short for a High School student.”
A punch is coming. To his stomach that is.
“Guu…! You, that’s a fault play for suddenly hit me like that…..!”
“Don’t worry, I will not leave any scar to your face.”
“That’s not the problem here!”
“Argh! Please don’t retort back everything that I said!.....Something like this can’t be real…..D-Don’t tell me…”
The girl named Fuyukura Shiren squatted after her having a really troubled face.
It seems she was shocked that Ryouta didn’t become her Minion. Now, Ryouta is confused whether to pity her or not. He is bitten and suddenly hit by her after all.
“I don’t know what happened, but I’m going home. Honestly, what you do is need to be charged, but I guess I will forgive you for now.”
Talking with this girl is really exhausting because he can’t get some decent communication with her.
“Huh? But JR line is currently out can can’t be used anytime soon.
With perplexed face she answered Ryouta’s question.
“Is Cave-in or something is happened?  Oh well, I can still use Bus to reach Ooshiro.”
“Bus services to Ooshiro is also out you know. And Buses only run inside the Empire.”
“No way….oh well, I will walk then…..”
“There’s no way you can out from the Empire you know. All road already sealed by the Empire.”
After that, Ryouta noticed something strange from all that already the girl say.
“Hey, where is this?”
4-238561 Sacred Blood Empire, Midoridai the fourth district 5-25.”
“Say again the thing before ‘Midoridai’.”
“Sacred Blood Empire.”
Ryouta finally understand the situation. In the end, he postponed his return.
Currently Fuyukura Shiren sit separated from Ryouta on the opposite side of the table.
“Then, Fuyukura, why did you bite me?”
“Don’t call me Fuyukura. To me, you are my Minion—“
“Little girl, Middle School student, brat, and imperfect growth. Which do you prefer to be called with?”
“J-Just Fuyukura is okay……The reason why I bite you is so I can obtain a Minion. For a [Sacred Blood], having a Minion is the same as they already becoming adult. If one already High School and yet they didn’t have a Minion, I’m sure they will said something like [Kyahahaha, how disgusting! Having no Minion is only forgiven till Middle School!] and be ridiculed by them. Well, in fact not much High School student that owns a Minion though.”
“Wait. Please don’t insert weird word when you explain thing. Just what is ‘Sacred Blood’? Name of Band that just debut recently? I rarely look at news so I’m a bit bad with the current state of affair.”
“Seriously? Are you really serious? You don’t know Sacred Blood even though you are a Japanese?”
Shiren look at Ryouta in disbelief.
“A question. Who is the current Japanese’s Prime Minister?”
“Hirokawa Kouichirou.”
“That person already retired four month ago.”
“Huh? Really? I only update my information every half-year or so, that’s why….”
The girl look at Ryouta like if he is a pitiful being.
“Ugh, pardon me. Common sense is not something that can be forced on someone isn’t it. Everyone is ‘Only one’. You don’t have to be the ‘Number one’. Yup, you are better stay that way like that.”
“Am I that lacking in common sense?”
“…To think that there’s someone that know nothing like you….it’s really beyond my expectation. I don’t know that you will believe me or not, but I will explain it from the very beginning. The Akinomiya town in Japan five month ago have been taken over and now become Sacred Blood Empire.”
“No way!”
“It’s real, unfortunately for you.”
“Then, it means that around half-year ago Akinomya already become independent nation….?”
“That’s right. Well, Japan itself still not approved that this nation become independent nation though, and with Japan’s law I’m still a Japanese citizen. Currently, this Empire is treated as if still Japanese country but with different ideology. Thanks to that, no JSDF that coming in, and peace still can be preserve.”
It seems Sacred Blood race or whatever it’s called occupied this land, and Ryouta just accidently entered it. Who know that not knowing current affair will bring this much misfortune to him….
“What with that painful-looking face? Is the tomato juice didn’t suite your taste? Do you prefer blood instead?”
“No, tomato juice is absolutely better. Wait, with that race name that related with ‘blood’, and suddenly encounter danger by bitten by you….please don’t tell me….No, but it seems blood can be replace by tomato juice…..and it on its own is weird……but….”
He didn’t want to think about that possibility, but…
“You damn Japanese call us with ‘Vampire’ aren’t you? To treat us the same as those monsters, that’s too rude. I will surely have an objection to the Emperor he Majesty for cruel racial discrimination! We are race that already existed since two thousand years ago, and we have proper tradition. And we already survived that long so we can recouping the land that already taken from us. Thanks to the current Emperor her Majesty, this year we finally able to regain our foot in this land, and take Akinomiya Town with us! Currently forty thousand Sacred Blood alive in this Empire and also ten thousand Minions are confirmed to also live with us.”
Without he know it, Japan already changed this much.
“Then…..what is Minion? Somehow I heard this term since the beginning but…”
“A Sacred Blood who bite a human, can ‘employ’ that person become their Minion. When biting, saliva will enter Human’s intravascular or so what they say.”
“Oh, those things where when a Vampire bites a Human, they will become their underling or something like that.”
In his head, many Vampire common traits are appearing one by one. He then tried to made [†] symbol by crossing both his index finger.
“Well Fuyukura, what do think about it?”
“On almost on the middle of the vertical line of AB, a Horizontal line of CD is drawn. The degree of each side is 90 degree.”
“Huh? Are you not afraid of cross?”
“That just superstition. We are in bad terms with Christians, so whenever we see cross always made us annoyed. Well, it’s a portion of dark history to them, so they hide the fact about it.”
So a bloody history actually really happened in the past.
“How about garlic then?”
“Eat that one and your skin will become silky.”
“What a race without trait your race is…..Any peculiar points about your race?”
“After sucked blood, our body will become stronger for a certain period of time.”
Shiren reached out her hand and show her power bump, nothing can be seen though.
“I don’t want to boast it but, I’m not good with any exercise related thing….”
“It really is not something that you can boast about. I don’t really care about that, how about Sacred Blood’s weakness?”
“We hate slimy thing….”
“Hives will appear when I see Japanese yam, Natto, mushroom, okra. I also hate soap, so I always buy liquid one….And last, I’ve tried to cook slug just like shown on TV, but the result is really freighting. When one eats it is as if they bite off their own tongue and die.”
 “That just you personally hate them isn’t it?”
“Then, if someone said that you have to eat slug, will you eat it?”
“Well, I also don’t want to eat it though. Wait, the conversation is strayed from the main point! I’m not interested in hearing slimy story!”
He needs to restart the conversation to the right point, since it’s already strayed too much. In the end,
“Are you really a Vampire?”
The time Ryouta let out another ‘Vampire’ word, Shiren’s eye lifted up a bit.
“As I already said before, don’t use word ‘Vampire! That’s really rude! The real story is ‘Vampire’ term is appeared because our Sacred Blood race is exist! We are the original and the order in your head is wrong!”
 Well, he don’t really care whether this Sacred Blood race is exist or not. But wait.
“Then, why did I didn’t obey you even though I already bitten by you?”
“Well you see, there are some cases where when a Sacred Blood didn’t have enough level of humidity, the composition to rule a Human is not working. Why is it happened? My guess is because this season’s humidity is pretty high, which made bacteria breed so fast and obstruct the composition. By the way, this winter is to cold and really bad for enzyme’s stimulation and even hold it down. “
He wants to rebuke her and said ‘Aren’t today Lucky Day?’ .
“I see, so the reason why Fuyukura unable to make a Minion is because you are still like a child is it….”
“Please don’t say it so boldly……it’s so embarrassing….”
Shiren hang her head on the table. Her twintail also curled up following the surface of the table. Somehow that’s really cute. For now, he feels a bit pity on her. He unintentionally, feels relieved about it. The girl in front of him is not have any will of harming him. That’s not scary at all, and in the end she is just a girl……..a girl?
“Hey, can I confirm something? When you see me, did you not feel anything?”
“Of course I’m so disappointed that I can’t make a Minion. Unable to eat food before them is a shame for Sacred Blood….”
“No, that’s not what I mean. For example, when you see me did you feel your chest tightening, can only think nothing but me in your head, or in short become fall in love with me?”
“Aren’t you to self-conscious? Other than handsome you are more to beauty, or maybe having feminine face… other word a plain boy?”
Shiren looking at Ryouta with her “This guy is the worst” eyes.
“Don’t tell me!”
Ryouta grab the girl’s shoulder, and then closing his face to hers.
“Kya! W-w-w-what are you doing? Just because there is only me in this house, you are the worst! All Japanese is wolf, I hate you all!”
Shiren who surprised because suddenly hugged Ryouta, her face slowly turned become red. But Ryouta without caring about that at all, adding more strength to his hand.
“S….Stop it…..I know that the one who bring you is me, but I don’t have any intention like that…..please at least give me some time to prepare myself…..”
Shiren’s eyes now already become teary.
“Fuyukura, please honestly tell your feeling about me!”
“I hate you! There’s no way someone will happy being forced like this isn’t it?! I really hate you!”
“So you hate me isn’t it? You don’t see me as love interest at all isn’t it? By the way [I-I don’t love you at all okay, so please don’t misunderstand me] is also classified as love too.”
“Don’t mess with me! Like hell I will love someone that said disgusting thing like that!”
Ryouta who feel so much joy, without think far he jumped in that place. If only it was an apartment, complain wurely will come one by another.
“Huh…..You are happy being hated by girl? Are you perhaps a Masochist? And yet you are beauty type…..I guess the word God does not give two gifts is true huh….”
“That’s wrong! You know, I have this curse from my grandfather that causing me popular with girls! But it seems it’s not working at Sacred Blood people at all.”
“What with that abnormal curse…..”
Shiren looking at Ryouta with amazed face.
Okay, from now one I’m going to live in this Sacred Blood Empire! Not like I can back to Japan anyway isn’t it? I will live in this place as proper Human in this heavenly place!”
“Calm down! It’s not easy to live you know.”
Even how hard it is, this place is far better than at Japan! You know, I everyday always attacked by my Nee-san, and when I come to school, all girl will attack me, and when I tried to walk at the town that no much people there, female college students will try to kidnap me with her car! Do you know my pain now? To me Japan is a Real Dystopia, a World of the End to me!”
As long as there is creature called as girl in this world, he can’t live at ease. Actually, it was once come to his mind that he will fly to Inhabitant Island in the future.  But in this country since most of population of this place is a Sacred Blood, which means that his curse mostly won’t have any effect here.
“I finally attain my right to live in this land called Japan!”
Strike while the iron is hot. That was what in his head, and he without much thinking tried to get out from the girl’s house.
“I will try to search apartment. There’s a real estate agent near the station isn’t? I need to work to pay the rent though, but if it only that much I will do it! Good bye, and thanks for your hospitality!”
But his feet suddenly heavier, and the bell on his neck is ring.
“Sorry, but you need to clean, cook, and weed all by yourself.”
“Wait! Don’t be so hasty!”
“If you pay me 900yen per hour, I don’t mind doing anything if you want. I have a pride on my cooking skill.”
“Please calm yourself down and hear my story! The time you go outside, you will get bitten.”
“A Sacred Blood can distinct a Human and their fellow Sacred Blood by using smell. In other word, the time you step your feet outside, you become their prospect become their Minion! I won’t take responsibility if you become Minion by some muscular men you know!”
Because of Shiren’s word, unpleasant memory comes to him.
“Now you mention it, so you approached me because you discovered me?”
“Yup, because suddenly I smell someone with Human scent, so I take out my [My first Minion] book that I always bring around that instant. I even asked you some question to decide whether you are good Human or not isn’t it?”
“Even though you are someone that depends on Human that much, you still so faithful with rule in weird place like that…”
He finally understands the means of those weird questions. He remembers that she asked whether it will be okay for him to leave Japan or not at that time.”
But if like this, he can’t go outside and even if he did, he will only become living sacrifice for Sacred Blood.
“Is it something like, the time I stepped my feet outside, it as if I’m someone that carrying one hundred million yen and bring it to a shady place alone?”
“Sacred Blood is not uncivilized. But more or less is right.”
“…This is the worst.”
Ryouta who lost his will power, fell down in that place. Just after he thought of founding a heaven, a cruel fact about he unable to get outside of this house haunted him.
“One thing that I forgot to ask….when one became Minion, what happened with with their ‘will’?”
Did they will become a robot-like being that have their ‘will’ removed from them?
“Did you think us as some kind of Demon? You will not lose your ‘will’. The one that can be done forcefully is I guess only as far as [Come here].”
Lighter than what he thinks.
“There even one that refused to clean, cook, clean, and everything but eating food. To the Master it seems just by the person stay at that house is already a splendid service. In short, Minion is something like butler.”
“Then, it means other than restricted to stay at house, they are most of them is free huh. But if one became a freak’s Minion, even if they run away, they will still be called back huh….”
Ryoute now at loss of what he must do in his live from now on. The situation is too hopeless for him to think anything decent now. If like this, Japan is better because he will only attacked by woman, instead of here where he will be attacked by woman and man.
“Tell me, what should I doo…..”
Ryouta bow his head at Shiren while asking that.
“You just have to clean this room, and make an omelet.”
“I’m idiot for even thinking of asking you….”
“There is internet facility in my house, so you just have to become a net gamer and do nothing other than that?”
“In other word there’s no other way huh….Well, that obvious isn’t it? In the first place it’s my fault for ignorant with information. So, being sensitive with world news is a must huh….”
In opposite of Ryouta’s face, Shiren’s expression suddenly brighten up.
“Ah, now I remember it, there’s actually one way! With this, no one will at disadvantage. Wait here for a moment!”
Apparently Shiren suddenly thought something and out from the room. [Huh, not this……this is a no too….ah, this!] voice can be heard from room beside him. It seems Shiren back with something hidden on her back.
“There is one way for you to able walk around this Empire without get attacked, and you also can live normally.”
“Hee, is that so—wait, r-r-really!”
A single hope is finally here! But, what he saw from Shiren’s hand for some reason is a metal chain.
“Here, hook this to that choker.”
Now she mentions it, his choker is not chained into anything.
“From now on, you will live with this choker on. Also, when you need to go outside, I can just hold to the other side of the chain and walk together with you. With this anyone who see it will acknowledged that you are my Minion.”
“What kind of embarrassment play is that!?”
“But with this, you will certainly able to go outside. It also written in Sacred Blood Empire Civil Law 167th paragraph like this; One that yet a Minion, but will become a Minion in near future, the Master need to show a clear indication that that one is theirs. In other word, I can show everyone that you will become my Minion near future using this choker and chain.”
That was surely sounds logical. With this, now he can go till safe face without being attacked by other.
“Thank you! With this, I can go home safely! At first I thought you are weird girl and think it was the worst, but I will take that back! You are a good people!”
Ryouta kneeling in that place to her. To get back, he needs Shiren’s help after all.
“Ha? Who say that I will let you back?”
Cold words down pouring to his head. What was there was Shiren with her wicked smile that even can rival those actor from many Movies.
“Huh? This chain is for you to pretend become my master and you will send me back isn’t it? You are going to help me back to Japan aren’t you?”
“No, that’s wrong.”
An immediate reply.
“Let see, your name is Asagiri Ryouta is it. Ryouta, I will present you this human-like life. In here, the Empire, and as my Minion (Candidate) that is.”
“In other word…I should promise become your Minion?”
“Yes, that way, I can guarantee you safety. But don’t forget that you have to do service both inside and outside house.”
“Guu….so you are taking advantage of it…..”
“It’s not like I forced you to do it. You may run from this. There are not much people live in the mountain residential district after all. Maybe you won’t be found at all. Well, maybe even if you found, you will be found by a big-breasted beautiful girl that you love. That sounds not that bad at all isn’t it?”
“Don’t think me as big-breast lover as you please!”
Even with those facts, Ryouta’s face goes pale.
“Please let me live here, I beg you….”
Ryouta bow his head. It’s a humiliation, but this is the only way to stay live. Well, it’s not like she can make him become her Minion anytime soon. When the chance is there, he can just run away.
“[When I see the chance, I can just run away. Also, maybe I will steal some money from her] is what you think right now isn’t it?”
More or less she got it right.
“A~, that still not enough. I want you to bow at me while saying [Please let me stay at this mansion. I will service you, as a Minion, Fuyukura-sama].”
“Just see. I will made you cry and made you bow your head while saying [I beg your forgiveness, Asagiri Ryouta-sama].”
(Please let me stay at this mansion. I will service you, as a Minion, Fuyukura-sama)
“Hey, your inner voice and your façade is upside down…..”
“Ops, my bad! It just I can’t hold my anger, so….”
“Well, whatever. Before long you will find me as a splendid Master and offer your service with all your heart anyway. Now, stand up.”
When he looked up, he found Shiren reached out to him, and he take that hand while standing.
“Ryouta, from now on you will work for me faithfully as my Minion.”
“Who say that you can call my name over-familiar like that….”
It’s cannot be helped but he get irritated by it.
“Please let me be at your service, Fuyukura-sama.”
“Just call me Shiren.”
It was a bit unexpected that she allowed him to call her with that.
“Actually I want you to call me ‘Shiren-sama’, but I guess for now is enough.”
“Shiren huh, that actually pretty cute name.”
“My name is actually a temporary Kanji. The real is actually written as ‘Shi’ from Shishi (Lion) and ‘Ren’ from ‘Rengoku’(Purgatory) which made my name meant ‘The lion of purgatory’.”
“Are you a monster that appeared from some random superpower battle story?!”
“Well, anyway, nice to meet you, Ryouta.”
“Nice to meet you too, Shiren.”
The time he take her hand, he realized that her hand is really small. Now he remember it, it was his first time that he do handshake with a woman .  A handshake like this is not bad at all.
“Hooray! Now with this I have my own Minion!”
She smile with face full of joy, and not even single wicked intention is floating from that broad smile.
“Ryouta, from now on you are mine. Please take care of me forever!”
Who the hell going to follow you forever?! Well, if she is this happy just by him near her, I guess it’s not that bad at all.
For information, when Ryouta and Shiren talking, 43 mails from Kiyomizu arrived. Of course he deleted them all.


  1. Thanks, I've always wanted to see the novel version of this.

  2. Okay, I do not know where to begin. Thank you, thank you and Oh yeah thank you, I have been searching every little website every little place for this light novel trying to read it trying to find pictures, trying to get this novel and today I have found some ray of hope and it's because of your good help. Thank you so much!!

  3. First off I would like to thank you for these translations. I have wanted to read the novel so bad, and I mean so bad. So I wish to ask a question, in no ways am I trying to be rude at all, but are you by any chance going to upload any more chapters? Please and thank you!!!!

  4. Hey are you going to do anymore, because I have really wanted to read this series for awhile now. I really want to meet the emperor that is being mentioned. Thank you.
